Unexpected 1 - Mason Mount

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"Why am I even here?" You whine as your friends tug you through the fans filing into Old Trafford. "This is Manchester United though" one friend says while spreading her arms dramatically. You squint then shrug with indifference, never having been a huge football fan. "Humour us for a couple of hours" your other friend pleads then pouts at you. You sigh then nod, "alright" they grin then continue tugging you towards the seats they bought for the match.


The final whistle is blown but just when you think you'll be able to leave your two friends plead their case for staying a little longer. You might not be a football fan but you know that they live for the game so you agree to stay longer just as they would if you ever asked. They squeal happily before explaining how the players sometimes stop to take photos and sign autographs at a specific place after matches. While you don't get the mess of words processed completely you let the two girls drag you along with them.

Once the three of you find a spot against the barriers set up to hold back the excited Man U fans you can't help but take in the post-match energy buzzing through the crowd. "I couldn't imagine being on the other side of the barrier" you mumble to your friends. "I don't know, the luxurious lives they have don't seem too awful" one of them says, you furrow your brows, "is it worth not having a normal life with privacy and the freedom we have" her response is to shrug then turn back toward the players, which are finally leaving Old Trafford.

All of a sudden the people behind you start to push forward, which presses you against the metal barrier. The movement makes you gasp then hold the barrier tightly. The crowding of fans starts to overwhelm you, "it's too much" you say hoping that your friends hear, but when you turn to look at them they are fully focused on the footballers approaching. You lift a hand to reach for them but a fan pushes into the small gap you make with the motion. The squeak of nervousness that leaves your lips goes unheard in the excited crowd of fans so your immediate reaction is to look for a way out.

You don't think that anyone notices how you turn your head a couple of times in search of an exit until something blocks the light in front of you. "Are you alright?" the voice makes you look up, "I want to get out of here but there's so many people and it's too much and my friends are somewhere over there and I don't know what to do" you ramble to the stranger as tears roll down your cheeks. His eyes widen before he goes to take your hand, pausing just above it, "may I?" you nod in response and flip your palm upwards hoping that he'll get you out of the crowd. He proceeds to crouch slightly so that you arm is across his shoulders, "we're gonna get you on the barrier then pull you over okay?" He explains, you nod in understanding so he hoists you onto the metal bar and you start to feel calmer while moving your legs away from the crowd and toward the open car park.

In your calmer state you realize where you are and what happened. "Is she alright? What happened?" The additional voices make you tense up then relax when you see it's stadium medics. You drop to your feet, but your legs are still unsteady from the panicked moment meaning that the nice man that initially helped you brings his arm around you to prevent any injuries. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble, crowds aren't really in my comfort zone" you say quietly while wiping at your wet cheeks and feeling awful for making them rush over for such a stupid reason. The arm around you tightens which is a surprise, "no trouble miss, it's good that Mason was here to help though" you smile at the kind medic then peer up at who must be Mason. His cheeks are a subtle pink as he shrugs sheepishly, "it's nothing" but you shake your head, "its not nothing so thank you" he nods then must realize the position you two are in so he drops his arm from your body. "I better head out but you'll be okay?" he asks, "yeah, I need to go find my friends now" you reply.

Mason doesn't turn around and you can tell he's thinking about something. Before you can ask he blurts it out, "I should get your number to make sure that you get home alright" you lift your eyebrows at the statement. You both know it's not a long term issue that needs to be checked up on but you smile anyways. "I mean you never know what could happen" he smiles as well revealing some dimples and it makes your stomach flutter like a teenage girl with a crush. He takes out his phone and unlocks it before handing it to you. With shaky hands you make a new contact in the phone then hand it back to Mason. You watch him look at the screen before lifting his head. "Y/N, that's a really great name" you giggle then blush, "yeah I guess" he quickly types something then puts the device away, "now you have my number too" you nod and he tucks his hands into his jacket pockets. "Have a nice evening Y/N" you smile, "you too Mason" he nods then finally turns around to leave.

During the whole sequence of events you never noticed the Manchester United crest on Mason's clothing as well as the stares of the crowd as they witnessed and took photos of you two finding an instant connection.


"Holy shit Y/N! You and Mason Mount just had a moment!" Your two friends squeal when you eventually find them amongst the crowd. "Who?" you ask not quite sure why they're so excited, "how are we friends?! That guy that pulled you out of the crowd plays for Manchester United! How did you not notice?" one of them replies incredulously. "I was busy trying not to get suffocated so I wasn't paying attention" you say then shrug. Your friends prepare to say more but you cut them off, "can we please just go home? I could use a nap" their expressions soften then they nod, "of course babe" you smile and the three of you turn away from the crowd to go home after the eventful evening at Old Trafford.

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