Chapter 16

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The program group, which was originally very heavy and depressed, finally began to lively.

People are just as happy as the Chinese New Year.


Finally there is room to play!

The police finally found a clue, which means that Lin Ci and the police are finally about to start a head-on collision!

“Ready to open the second station!”

“The investigator’s perspective is ready to start!”

“Every test begins!”

According to the previous situation, the program team will open the second channel when the “criminal solver” really locks in the clues of the “actor”.

Let the audience see how the elites of the “criminal solvers” deal with the cases of high-IQ criminals.

This is exactly what the audience has been expecting before!

The program group, which was originally like a piece of stagnant water, suddenly became full of enthusiasm.

“The picture signal test is correct!”

“The sound signal test is normal!”

“The second channel is ready! You can go online at any time!”

The director also took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and said, “Very good!”

“All units are ready!”

“The propaganda team begins to warm up!”

The “Perfect Crime” program was originally the hottest program in China.

But now because of Lin Ci, the seventh issue is too boring!

It has even fallen to a level similar to the ratings of other variety shows…

In order to save the slump, the program group has long been prepared to pave the way for the Internet.

“The “Perfect Crime” detective found traces of the suspect! When was Lin Ci arrested?”

“The case is about to be solved! Qin Ming and other criminals found clues to Lin Ci!”

“The countdown to “Perfect Evidence” is open! Are you ready for the truth!?”

Copywriting like this is flooded with large-scale portal websites such as Weibo, Douyin, and B Station.

Many mobile phones have received such pushes.

However, it is worth mentioning that the “criminal solver” and the “actor” can’t know about the program trailers like this.

What they have is a mobile phone specially equipped for the program group.

The software that can be used is limited, and it will be extremely shielded.

Nothing related to the show will be known to them…


Then, #Perfect Crimes 2 is finally about to open! #Such a topic immediately rose to the top spot in Weibo search!

Although the Lin Ci family is really boring, seeing more beautiful women makes it easy to be aesthetically tired…

But people still have great expectations for the “criminal solver”!

“Great! I finally don’t have to watch Lin Ci!”

“When will the second station start? I have to watch the closing team!”

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