Chapter 58

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Guan Hongshan thought about what was happening right now.

On the night of November 24, the tenth issue of “Perfect Crime” ended.

At the end, they received a call and learned about the theft of the confidential list of the Security Bureau

The hacker “Chris” finally came into their sight

In order to prevent Chris from shooting the list he got, they were spinning around almost 24 hours a day, closely monitoring every place.

Suspiciously, it restrains Chris’ activities, but such violent means also counts Chris completely lurking underwater.

They couldn’t find any activity data of Chris

Guan Hongshan took a deep breath.

“Chris can’t move around freely, but for him, Lin Ci is the best partner.”

“He knows that we will deliberately not pay attention to Lin Ci, at least for this month, Lin Ci is safe.”

“For Lin Ci…”

“Because of this month in the tenth issue, he has experienced a new kind of cattle life?”

There seemed to be a mess of numbness in his brain.

Finally got a great conclusion one

Lin Ci and Chris use each other and continue to give up like this…

Chris is very likely to pass the information through Lin Ci’s hands!

This list will definitely be bought by other countries!

“Lin Ci never thought about participating in the eighth program seriously!”

“Walk through the scene, after which he will have a huge amount of wealth!”

Thinking of this, Guan Hong gritted his teeth.

As expected of Lin Ci!

Guan Hong didn’t dare to think about giving birth anymore…

Anyway, the current Song Chen is in his hands!

Immediately afterwards, Guan Hongshan immediately asked a new question

“In your team, who else is there besides Lin Ci?

“I met in school… Besides, there are a few of my friends.”

Song Chen replied immediately: “Except for Brother Lin

“But they didn’t even know that Brother Lin was working with…Chris.”

“It’s me who does the code operations, so I know these…”

“The other person that Brother Lin looked for was named Wu. They never said what it was called.”

Upon hearing this, Guan Hong also nodded.

He can understand Song Chen’s mental state

After discovering Lin Ci’s real crimes, he no longer dared to go further to get married

That’s why he chose to be arrested by the police through active exposure.

Seeing Guan Hong nodding, Song Chen obviously thought he saw some hope

He immediately said: “Close the team!”

“Be sure to provide me with protection!”

“Behind that Chris is…”

Guan Hongshan raised his brows, he didn’t want Song Chen to tell his husband the news.

And his eyes immediately caught Song Chen, making him shut up

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