Chapter 25

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In the director room, at this time the video signals of one and two have been unified.

After all, the perspectives of the solver and the actors have become the same, and the distinction between one and two is naturally unnecessary.

And in the director’s mind, this is already the final interrogation.

So he attaches great importance to everything that will happen next.

“Control the white balance!”

“Confirm the radio reception in the interrogation room!”

“Get your energy up, this is the end of the seventh issue!”

The audience is also looking forward to it.

“Show up!”

“Look at how the team confided in Lin Ci’s mouth! It is probably a sorrow operation again!”

“I bet 50 cents, Lin Ci can’t last for five minutes!”

“Five minutes? He struggled for 30 seconds…”

Before the interrogation room on the fourth floor of the City Bureau.

Guan Hongshan watched Lin Ci’s family of four were sent to the interrogation room, and after a long silence, he finally spoke again.

“Separate trial.”

“I will try Lin Ci.”

“Wu Sin, go and try that little one.”

“Don’t scare the kid.”

Guan Hongshan gave such an explanation, and then stepped into the interrogation room.

Wu Sin was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to say something… but Guan Hongshan had already entered the door.

He could only mutter to himself: “Why give me the little one?”


“Isn’t Qin Haoran better-faced?”

But his words naturally didn’t work.

And he himself could only rush into Interrogation Room No. 4.

The investigators decided to separate the Lin Ci family of four into four different interrogation rooms.

And this will be a place where they can really play their standard.

In criminal investigation terminology, this is called the “prisoner’s dilemma”.

When the maximum benefit can be obtained by betraying each other, even if the interests of different prisoners are shared, it will eventually lead to psychological omissions due to unequal information.

Eventually there will be loopholes in each other’s testimony…


At this time, Guan Hongshan looked at Lin Ci with sharp eyes, feeling very complicated.

“Fifteen days of preparation time…”

“Besides, they are a family. From what perspective should they distinguish their interests?”

This is a very complicated issue.

It seems that the answer cannot be thought of at the first time.

But Guan Hongshan didn’t hesitate, he pulled the iron chair away with a clatter and sat opposite Lin Ci.

Guan Hongshan frowned as he watched Lin Ci’s somewhat languid sitting posture.

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