Chapter 116

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The broadcast of “Perfect Evidence New Year Special Program” set off a huge wave across the country.

Everyone knows that Lin Ci’s powerful arrangement keeps all the criminals in the dark.

The answer with the highest number of likes on Zhihu supplemented this special program.

Because of the detailed graphic explanation, it provides a perfect explanation for many people who are still confused after watching the special program.

[In the ninth issue, the layout of Lin Ci can be said to be full of imagination. This is by no means a simple way of thinking.
Especially after the second court session on February 15th, Lin Ci has fallen into a passive state of being unable to move.

But he has made all preparations for the final judgment on the 28th

As long as the video of Jiang Yin killing someone in the parking lot appears, it will definitely be able to point the finger at Ting completely.

What’s more, Jiang Yin himself also possesses other identities. If he is noticed in one day, then this identity will make the team more suspicious.

Although it seems that there are many variables, it is actually a perfectly closed state

After listening to Jiang Yin’s sentence, I realized that the biggest problem with Lin Ci in the first period is not that there is no exemption angle, but the existence of Guan Hong and Jiang Yin.

Their existence can stop Lin Ci’s acquittal tactics!

This is what shocked me the most! Because the ninth issue is also full of 420 unknowns for Lin Ci, and all clues and witnesses are unknown to Lin Ci.

If you just use Sun Cheng to try to get rid of crime, then under the secret cooperation of Guan Hongshan and Jiang Yin, Lin Ci can be said to have no chance of winning!

But Lin Ci chose the only possibility

Just like Jiang Yin said, that is the most and only solution!

Only when Lin Ci assumes the responsibility for the crime can he win the trust of Guan Hong and Jiang Yin to a certain extent!

Only in this way can the initiative be completely in our hands!

Because of this, Lin Ci completely grasped the situation!]

This Zhiping replied that the whole network became popular.

Even many Douyin accounts have used this copy.

Misappropriation on Weibo is even more widespread, but this kind of heat, even if you are cheeky, you have to give it…

The Weibo client was repaired in the early morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

And #第力期大揭秘 directly rushed to the top of the Weibo hot search list!

In addition, the second most searched…

It is unexpected.

“Perfect Evidence” movie coming soon

This is the news released by the “Official Account of the Perfect Crime Program Group”.

【The tenth, eighth and ninth issues of Perfect Crimes will be edited by three directors into the Hiff line. On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, our program presented this gift to the audience and hope everyone will like it. 】

People really look forward to…

When will the three films won by Lin Ci be released?

Think of Lin Ci’s performance in these three shows, and think of those famous scenes

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