Chapter 62

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Chris’ face changed drastically!

He looked at the video in front of him and opened his mouth slightly.

It wasn’t because Song Chen’s face frightened him, but because Song Chen had a piece of paper beside him at this moment.

He can tell something from this piece of paper

And just after reading a few words, he immediately thought of the origin of this piece of paper

“This is Guan Hong’s bureau!?

The note actually read “Tell Chris, his level…”

Although I can’t see clearly in the back, I don’t know what the situation is!?

He suddenly thought of what Song Chen said.

“This Chris blows a lot, but it’s actually that way.”

If these remarks were directed by Guan Hongshan, then…

Chris’ face was extremely pale at this moment!

The speed of the heartbeat is faster than ever!

Even when he invaded the Jiangbei City Security Bureau system, he was never so nervous

But now, he already knows that all of this may be over!


He scolded bitterly.

But Chris’ movements are not slow at all, his fingers have touched the keyboard

He intends to immediately cut off the line that is invading Song Chen’s computer at this time!

But just when he was about to cut off the network, he saw that his terminal had captured two new backdoors.

And these two backdoors, and the two backdoors he found can be said to be mutually dependent.

Monitor the network communications of the two 563s entering the city bureau line separately!

That means…

These two backdoors are definitely not to capture the city bureau data!

These two backdoors are for him!

Realizing this, Chris’s pale face became even more ugly

He can even hear the sound of his heartbeat!

And because of this…

He has confirmed at this moment that his P is likely to have been captured

Even if he passes through layers of encryption and jumps dynamically, the two backdoors that target the backdoor will be like a poison, directly locking his position!


He has heard the sound of police sirens coming from afar

This sound is like a flute for life!

“Song Chen! You’re fucking dead!”

He unplugged the network cable violently and snapped a line of commands on the keyboard.

Seeing that the computer had begun to format, he no longer hesitated, turned and rushed out of the cafe.

There was an exclamation in the coffee shop

Because that figure has never been able to leave!

A few plainclothes rushed forward and pressed him directly on the ground!

Top hacker codenamed “Chris”, wearing a hoodie when arrested

It is a very immature face.

But of course, the news of his arrest will be the highest level of confidentiality.

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