Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

Wu Sin’s eyes were lingering, but no one noticed

As if few people noticed Lin Ci’s expressionless face.

At this time, almost everyone’s eyes were cast on Jiang Yin’s body.

Especially in the live broadcast room, what Jiang Yin said made them full of curiosity.

“It turns out that I was waiting here. Indeed, the surveillance video did not explain the cause of death.”

“Maybe it’s just knocked down?”

“Yes, this is still not clear enough.”

People think so

Not only the audience watching the live broadcast, even the people who are watching the scene have the same idea

The trial, which was originally a bit boring, seems to have begun to become interesting

“It looks like it won’t be done so easily…”

“How did they prepare?”

In the midst of the discussion, Qin Ming’s face also became very solemn

He is very clear, according to the angle, strength, and follow-up shown in the monitoring screen of that car…

The prerequisite for the death of the deceased is definitely due to a crash


The hammer hammer sounded again, and the presiding judge’s voice arrived as promised.

“Prosecutor, do you have any objections to this statement?

Guan Hongshan was just about to speak, and Qin Ming’s voice had already been heard at this time

“According to the witness’s testimony, the yellow tongue Flemish sedan did leave after the victim’s death.”

“And no one else showed up on the spot.”

Qin Ming’s voice was cold and bright, and he continued to speak very clearly.

“The witness made it clear that no one else showed up at the scene.”

“Then the cause of Liu Yan’s death was naturally the impact.”

“Even if it is manslaughter, it is also a crime of homicide.”

“According to what you said, Chen Weiwei drove a car to hit the victim and escaped, but the victim’s death was due to other reasons…”

“The mouth is unproven, do you have any evidence?”

This remark really aroused people’s reverie.

Indeed, what Jiang Yin said has indeed turned people’s perspective in another direction.

This kind of guidance even started to make people think about whether there are other possibilities.

But Qin Ming, Guan Hong and others cannot be deceived by such guidance

After all, their preparations are perfect.

When Qin Ming’s retort sounded, he naturally brought the audience’s thoughts to the original route.

This kind of game, it can be said that a little negligence is an abyss!

But the speed of speech between the two parties is surprisingly fast!

This kind of dizzying logical counterattack is simply suffocating!

At this time, after Jiang Yin heard Qin Ming’s words, she stood in front of the witness Sun Cheng

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