Chapter 121

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Wu Sin’s voice changed the expressions of all the people watching the live broadcast.

“My Cao! This turned out to be Lin Ci!?”

“Damn, I was almost deceived by Lin Ci! Indeed, Lin Ci was easy to face in the eighth issue.

“That’s over, Lin Ci was spotted by Wu Sin, he can’t run away!”

“The tenth issue is over!?”

At this moment, Wu Xin’s eyes flashed with light.

He looked at Zhang Qiang in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “How good are you?

“But as long as I’m more careful, I won’t be able to escape my husband in the end!

“Lin Ci, stop struggling!”

Hearing this, the man standing opposite Wu Sin shook his head helplessly.

“Are you dumbfounded by Lin Ci?”

Although he didn’t move, the expression on his face was indeed relaxed.

“Then why don’t you see if I have makeup on this face?

Zhang Qiang looked at Wu Sin and said, “Since you suspect that I am Lin

“Move your mind. If I were Lin Ci, I must have attacked you in the first place. How could I still stand here and talk to you nicely?”

“Brother, although you are willing to doubt that it is a good thing, you have to think more carefully.”

With that said, he took the paper towel that had just wiped his hands and was still moist and wiped vigorously on his face.

150 However, watching this scene, Wu Sin’s face became a little stiffer.

He still remembered that in the eighth issue, Lin Ci took out a tissue and wiped it on the bridge of his nose, and then abandoned the disguise named Song Chen.

However, the skin on the man’s face at this time obviously has nothing to do with that

“No…not Lin Ci?”

I don’t want to believe it, but the fact is here.

The hoarse voice of the Japanese opponent is also completely different from Lin Ci’s voice.

Even if Lin Ci can disguise his appearance through makeup, it seems that at this moment, the other person does not have the other characteristics of Lin Ci.

Even the height is a bit higher

But Wu Sin still didn’t put down his gun.

Even if it is not Lin Ci, the appearance of this person is too weird

Just knocked on the door himself, even after entering the door, this person didn’t even make a sound.

This is definitely the problem!

And how is it possible that the person from the Moon Security Bureau is only himself?

“I want to contact the headquarters…”

“You stand still…”

“You can leave after confirming.”

Hearing this, Zhang Qiang sighed and asked in a very strange tone: “Who said I came by myself?”


“I just finished speaking. When determining the result, you’d better ask if the question you raised is correct.”

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