Chapter 52

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Accompanied by such exchanges.

Jiang Yu immediately thought of the scene

After Lin Ci entered the house on the 26th and learned of Chen Weiwei’s manslaughter, he left immediately.

The purpose is to destroy the vehicle.

She actually watched the real shots of the tenth episode after the show ended.

But she still doesn’t know when Lin Ci’s husband dropped the corpse

However, she didn’t know this until now

“It turned out to be that time…”

“On the first day?”

Lin Ci went out during the day and didn’t come back until late

And when I came back, I was covered in mud

Jiang Yu still remembered that Lin Ci told himself that he had come back.

I was surprised.

Throw the car to a place and walk back by yourself?

She even remembered her thoughts at the time.

“Maybe this way you can avoid surveillance?”

But until now, she didn’t understand

At that time, Lin Ci’s clothes were not completely muddy, because the husband dug up the body

And he even bought a ticket using his husband on the 26th.

“This is… what kind of thinking?”

“He thought about all this on the first day he came here?”


Jiang Yu only felt that his cheeks were a little stiff at this time.

She was stunned and did not speak.

Guan Hong realized at this time that although he had reasoned out of Lin Ci’s technique before,

But 723 he did not accurately grasp the arrangement time of Lin Ci

At this time, Lin Ci’s words completely woke him up.

“I see”

“But the first day on the 26th…”

“He actually started to act immediately after knowing this!?”

Guan Hongshan wondered, how could someone like Lin Ci be just an ordinary Chinese teacher?

But he was relieved immediately.


“People like Lin Ci…”

“Is the actor of the long-horned cow?”

“As soon as he started to come into contact with the case, he had already thought about everything that would happen afterwards.

“According to the circumstances, but also able to strategize…”

“too strong!”

Guan Hongshan thought about all this in silence.

All the people on stage at this time were as silent as Guan Hongshan.

There was an incomparable shock on his face!

And only Lin Ci smiled, it seems that what he just said is as ordinary as “noon on the day of hoeing”.

However, compared with the silence on the stage, the audience on the stage was almost exploded.

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