Chapter 63

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Guan Hongshan’s brows frowned more and more tightly.

After listening to Qin Haoran’s words, in his mind, of course, he immediately thought of the problem.

But those things are put together, it seems like a mess!

This mess of hemp is entangled, but it is impossible to find the thread-head in this thread!



“take an exam……”

He said a few key words silently

In the originally quiet observation room, Guan Hongshan’s performance made the atmosphere that was just a little more comfortable even more heavy!

this matter…

It seems that it is far from reaching the end!

Guan Hongshan was already thinking about it while pacing in the room.



“But where is the problem!?”

Guan Hongshan caress forehead.

One question after another was running in my mind extremely difficultly.

But these problems seem to be mutual authentication again, and it is impossible to solve the other problems through which one of the problems can be solved.

And this kind of thinking not only did not make the situation simple, on the contrary, it became more complicated.

This kind of thinking even makes Guan Hongshan feel that his breathing has become difficult

Diao Ran clearly knew that the reason was insufficient oxygen supply caused by the direct supply of dry blood to the brain, but at this time he just became more and more nervous!

He breathed heavily, his teeth biting his lip harder and harder



“Where is the problem!?”

The paced Guan Hongshan stopped abruptly, and suddenly turned to look at Qin Haoran.


He didn’t evade, he asked directly

“what are you thinking!?”

“What’s the problem?!”

“Where is the problem!?”

Qin Haoran shook his head. He said, “Close the team…”

“If I thought of the crux of the problem, I would have…”

It was obvious that Qin Haoran was indeed thinking, and his non-stuttering appearance at this time had already explained everything.

However, his voice stopped halfway through.

That’s because Guan Hong’s line of sight has been directly towards Tang Xiao.

“Xiao Tang, check!”

“Check the situation!”

“Who is this Song Chen, what major is it in the University of Science and Technology, and who is there!”

“Check it out!” Hearing this, Tang Xiao, who had just been more relieved, immediately nodded and looked at her computer again.

on the screen.

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