Chapter 128

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The dull and dry sound of the iron door opening surprised everyone.

However, this time, the camera seems to be completely plunged into darkness

When countless viewers saw this scene, they were puzzled from their hearts.

After all, it was already dawn at this time, how could it be possible to have a husband completely black?

Where is this?

What kind of means does Lin Ci have?

At this time, in the extremely dark picture, there was a burst of noise

The voice seems to be blocked by something, not transparent

People listen carefully, but still can’t think of where there is such a noisy

But no matter what, no matter where Lin Ci hides…

It’s still on Xincheng Street after all

Even if there is a secret room that no one knows, it will be difficult to escape the police chase after all

After all, this is still a dead end

“Three Nine Zero”

On the other side, the police officers responsible for tracking Lin Ci finally caught the traces of Lin Ci.

Guan Hongshan received the news from the front-line police officers.

“Lin Ci is in a small road on Xincheng Avenue!”

“We have blocked both sides of the trail!”

“Lin Ci has no way to escape!”

Guan Hongshan raised his eyebrows, and he always felt something was wrong in his heart.

But the fact that Lin Ci is on Xincheng Street has already been verified by various clues, and he has never been like this.

Close to Lin Ci. And this time, the solvers are only one step away from the final victory.

Guan Hongshan picked up the walkie-talkie and did not hesitate anymore:

“Call up people!”

“Start blocking!”

“Never let Lin Ci!”

“According to the supermarket owner, Lin Ci wears a black cap and holds a bottle of Farmer

Mountain spring mineral water!” “Wearing a trench coat…”

“catch him!”

At this time, Guan Hongshan also stood up and nodded with Wu Sin

Then the two got off the surveillance car together

Lin Ci

Already within reach

However, in the live broadcast of one station

The noise is getting closer and closer.

Such a noise is in sharp contrast to the darkness and silence in the previous one.

It even gave the audience a feeling that it was ready to come out.


Another door was pushed open


The bright light suddenly filled the entire screen, making people who have been watching the price of darkness feel a little


Suddenly a sense of openness has been given to everyone’s heart.

The bright and unobtrusive noise filled everyone’s senses in an instant.

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