Chapter 50

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Lin Ci sat in his place according to the name tag

When he sat down, the cheers stopped.

Looking at the fierce eyes in the audience, Lin Ci nodded at the people and smiled humbly

And this smile has caused many female audiences to scream.

Lin Ci has never seen such a battle, but it is really cool to experience it personally today.

At this moment, the emcee in charge of the abbot also spoke.

“Welcome friends from journalists and viewers to come to this conference!”

“Thank you for waiting for a long time.”

“However, since the end of the tenth issue, Lin Ci Xianniu and several police officers who solve the crime have been very busy.”

“Today is also because it is almost time for the eighth episode, so we can only let the actors and the crime solvers take time out of their busy schedule to hold this press conference just before the eighth episode.”

He stopped here for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the conversation turned and continued to speak

“The four members of the crime solver were involved in the detection of a new case, so they didn’t spare time before.”

“But they are also on their way here now.”

, Has it made any changes to your cattle life?

17 “It’s just that I want to interview Lin Ci Xianniu now.” As the winner of the tenth issue of “Perfect Crimes”, he won the best in such a national program.

Lin Ci nodded lightly, and then replied, “I didn’t find anything by myself if I changed.”

“Just being welcomed by everyone, I am actually very happy in my heart.”

Hearing this, the holder also nodded: “Mr. Lin also knows that this press conference is also being broadcast live.”

“And I think the audience in the live broadcast room, including me, would also like to know the answer to that question.”

“In the tenth issue, the police never found a dead body…”

“The fuck

I haven’t had time to ask this question

The host was suddenly taken aback.

Then the conversation turned around and he said, “The key issue has just been mentioned, and our other protagonists are also here.”

“Welcome to the criminals!”

There was a polite applause in the room

Although it is not as enthusiastic as Lin Ci was when, but Lin Ci fans also gave enough face to the criminals.

Guan Hongshan and others passed by the crowd at a fast pace.

When the holder just wanted to speak a little bit, he heard the voice of on-site guidance in his ears.

“Be fast!”

“They don’t have much time to close the team!”

The host is very experienced, and he understands the slight jaws.

Then he politely invited Guan Hongshan, Sin and others to sit down, and then went on with the topic just now.

“Next to the chat just now.”

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