Chapter 152

151 2 0

Lin Ci is very clear about the situation in front of Gan.

“If Guan Hongshan is already on the road, it means that they don’t have a thorough understanding of the situation of Brother Qiantian.”

In this case, they will choose this approach, but in fact they have done some helplessness.

Bi Jing, if Guan Hongshan does not do this, it is likely to cause new problems

That is, those Tian Ge’s men will infinitely magnify the farce that appeared in the fifth car before.

If this is the case, then things get worse


“Indeed, it is his style to make such a choice.”

“But I want me to help them find the position of Brother Tian…”

“I can use this to serve myself.

Lin Ci’s thinking is very clear.

At this moment, he was standing at the door of the tenth carriage, looking at this carriage consisting entirely of soft-packed sleepers, thinking about his next course of action in his heart.

But at this moment, Lin Ci seemed to hold his breath suddenly!

He felt that someone behind him was observing himself!

what happened?

At this moment, Lin Ci felt like he was standing upside down all over his body!

Just a short while, many ideas came out in Lin Ci’s mind.

“Could it be that Brother Tian’s gang has been eyeing me?

“But I’m in a state of makeup and disguise, how could they find me?”

“That brother Tian has seen my disguised state… so maybe it has something to do with this matter?”

“what is the problem!?”

Lin Ci took a deep breath, then turned back to her head husband.

However, when he turned his head back to his husband, the feeling that made his spine chilled suddenly disappeared.


Soon, Lin Ci realized what was going on.

The moment he turned around, the sense of crisis disappeared instantly

Actually because of this little thief behind…

Thinking about my phone

Lin Ci couldn’t help but feel a little bit of laughter.

“This is really…”

He looked at the person, and at this time, the person’s sight was also locked on him

“Dude, is there any smoke?”

At the junction of the carriages, it is quite dry as a smoking area.

And the people standing here do not smoke, of course there are some problems

Lin Ci asked the thief for a cigarette, and then smoked it happily

At this moment he took the initiative to speak to the young thief who looked very young: “Little brother, where are you husband?”

Naturally, this little thief didn’t know that he had been exposed.

At this time, he looked at Lin Ci very easily, and he was also very talkative.

“Our husband Yanjing…”

“Follow the tour operator’s flight

“Big brother, how about you?”

METROPOLIS: YOU CAN'T BREAK THE TRAP I SET UPDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora