Chapter 175

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Jiang Yin still has lingering fears about the surveillance video that Qian saw during the day today

Especially at Jiang Yin’s level, she easily started to contact all kinds of things that have happened in recent days.

Sitting in the empty apartment room, Jiang Yin’s expression was a bit solemn.

“Why are you staring at me?”

Today during the day, after a little contact with Principal Cui, she immediately married the monitoring room

After calling up the surveillance, Jiang Yin saw the figure at the door of his office

It is obviously a male figure who reached out after knocking on the door and wanted to press the doorknob

But after hearing someone in the office, he immediately left.

“This is the University of Political Science and Law…”

“Should it be in school?”


Jiang Yin didn’t just go to the surveillance room to watch the video this afternoon, she also learned about the recent evil incidents of bullying in the school.

It’s easy to connect these two things together

“Which direction does the opponent choose to target?”

“What is this…

As a criminal psychology boy ten, Jiang Yin can’t understand the other party’s behavior pattern at all

Generally speaking, fighting and demonstrating strength are mostly caused by anger and feasting.

More serious, it will be murder.

Like the four recent injury cases, they all left a sigh of relief.

So what caused it?

And how can one become a target?

But Jiang Yin couldn’t think of anyone having a holiday with him.

“It seems that it is necessary to gather the information of those injured learners tomorrow.”

She frowned deeply

Even Jiang Yin has never encountered such a situation.

It’s just that she knows that she can’t be frightened for this reason, which may have fallen into the arms of the murderer.

When dealing with criminals, you must first have a stable mind, try to keep calm and restraint, so as to ensure your own safety.

“It doesn’t make sense to think about it like this…”

“Let’s rest first.”

Jiang Yin didn’t think much

She rubbed her temples gently, then stood up to prepare to wash and rest.

But at this moment…

Boom boom boom!

The knock on the door suddenly rang

Jiang Yin frowned immediately.

“What’s going on”~?”

“who is it?”

At this time, the room is dark, only the light of the street lamp outside

And this knock on the door immediately raised Jiang Yin’s heart!

She didn’t speak for the first time.

The door of the apartment is not a high-level security door.

If the opponent breaks open forcibly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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