Chapter 33

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Just when the second station was broadcasting Guan Hongshan’s decryption of Lin Ci’s method…

Suddenly a very loud, rushing voice came from the directing room.


“Lin Ci is also starting to talk about the process!”

“what should we do!?”

The two directors looked at each other, and then nodded at each other almost at the same time.

Originally, all the attention of the two directors was focused on the interpretation of Guan Hongshan in Ertai.

But since Lin Ci has arrived at home at this time…

The combination of one and two stations is the most comprehensive and can best reflect all the layout of Lin Ci!

The two directors stood up from the director’s chair at the same time.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the directing studio suddenly became enthusiastic!

“get ready!”

“This is the first time we have performed simultaneous actions by both sides!”

“This will become the history of instant directors! Our operations will become textbooks!”

“Lin Ci and Guan Hongshan explained at the same time, this situation is rare in a lifetime! We must not miss it!”

He said so emotionally, and then immediately cut to the topic.

“One Lin Ci main perspective, get ready, silhouette two!”

“Ertai Guan Hongshan’s main perspective! Edit Lin Ci’s voice and get ready!”

“Be prepared for both parties to delay! Pay attention to communication during the operation of the ab group!”

Bang bang bang!

There was a loud clapping sound.

“All cheer up!”

“This will be the most exciting part of the seventh issue!”

Lin Ci’s home.


Jiang Yu has countless doubts waiting for Lin Ci to answer.

Although the two daughters had gone upstairs to sleep, she waited until Lin Ci came back.

“Why did the police ask us what we did on the 25th?”

“But we were at the White Horse Temple at that time?”

“Did they make a mistake? What did you do?”

Lin Ci is washing his hands.

The sound of splashing water echoed between Jiang Yu’s questioning.

But this does not prevent Lin Ci from hearing these words.


The dry sound of the faucet sounded, Lin Ci wiped his hands and walked out of the bathroom.

He naturally took Jiang Yu’s hand and walked towards the bedroom.

The camera’s angle of view also began to move with the two.

Facing Jiang Yu’s question, Lin Ci smiled and asked: “Wife…”

“Are we really the White Horse Temple that we went to on the 25th?”

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