Chapter 95

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February 28

This is the final judgment day of the ninth issue of “Perfect Crime”

Countless audiences are waiting for this day.

The feeling that this issue brings to people is that the criminals once again have the power to move

As before Lin Ci participated in the show, the criminals seem to have finally recovered Ji Qin.

In the second trial, the solvers produced critical evidence, and the final word was made!

But just as the criminals did not relax their vigilance after Lin Ci was arrested.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast didn’t think Lin Ci would be caught just like that.

But since the second trial ended on February 15th, time passed day by day

Lin Ci has always been in Jiangbei No. 1 Prison, so he can’t do anything.

Audiences who originally had great hopes for Lin Ci…

At this time, I completely gave up Lin Ci

“What is there to say? Lin Ci has no chance of a comeback.”

“No matter how good Lin Ci is, what can he do in prison?”

“This time the script is a dead end for Lin Ci. Without knowing the existence of this video, it is impossible for Lin Ci to come back.”

Although people are willing to have hope for Lin Ci, the facts ruthlessly defeated their expectations

Now… just wait.

Waiting for Lin Ci to be eliminated.

Countdown to the final judgment 1:22:12

Such a countdown has appeared in prominent positions on many major websites

It is reminding people that the time for the final trial is coming soon.

And that will also be Lin Ci’s swan song in the “Perfect Crime Show”

Many people have begun to regret it.

Lin Ci brought them too much shock and excitement.

But because of the difficulty of the script, Lin Ci lost all opportunities to fight back.

On Weibo, topics such as #可惜 Lin Ci了# have been ranked first on the hot search list at noon on February 20th.

And the moon stays high.

The degree of discussion has not faded over time, but has become higher and higher

“This program group is too inhumane. Who can win a script like this?”

“I think this is shady!”

“This broken show, if Lin Ci is eliminated, I won’t watch it!”

People don’t want to count Lin Ci being eliminated

But this “Perfect Evidence” Bi Jing is not an ordinary show, it is impossible to change because of people’s likes and dislikes.

That would actually lose the original intention of the show.

What’s more, although people feel sorry for Lin Ci…

But this time the script arranged by the program group will be so difficult, and Lin Ci himself can’t shirk the blame.

After all, after the eighth issue, Lin Ci arrogantly said “this script is too simple”.

It seems that this is also a feedback from some kind of show?

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