Chapter 66

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Song Chen looked at Guan Hongshan, her eyes extremely confused.

However, in the face of this problem, a reminiscence appeared on his face.

There was light in Guan Hongshan’s eyes

This Song Chen, it seems that it is indeed possible to find Lin Ci’s traces!

“Brother Lin…”

Song Chen’s blurred voice came out.

He spoke as if he was talking in a dream.

When Guan Hongshan heard what he said, he was almost as careful as trying to put his ears up.

But Song Chen suddenly became silent again.

Guan Hongshan said, “If you can help us find Lin Ci, then can you prove your value!”

“As long as there are clues about Lin Ci, then I can sign the protection plan for you now!”

These two sentences are very urgent.

Guan Hongshan is urging Song Chen to speak!

He has never seen a prisoner like this, but he already knows the characteristics of Song Chen

Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

His mind will filter out the things that are in his own interest!

Seeing Song Chen’s eyes, Guan Hongshan urged again.

“Song Chen!”

“tell me!”

“Where is Lin Ci!?”

Song Chen murmured: “Brother Lin…”


Everyone is looking forward to that answer.

Guan Hongshan’s body leaned forward slightly, and several people in the observation room were dignified and waiting for the result.

Even Tang Xiao’s fingers constantly tapping on the keyboard were slightly stiff.

Her attention was drawn to the situation in the interrogation room.

Countless audiences are also waiting eagerly for this scene

Can Lin Ci be caught?

This split personality Song Chen, will he shake the building out of Lin Ci’s place?

But at this moment…


Song Chen’s voice came again.

“I have no idea.”

Hearing this answer, Guan Hongshan was a little disappointed

Because if it is said at this time…

Then this sentence is indeed the truth

It was obvious that Song Chen was in a state of being on the verge of collapse.

If it weren’t for the “witness protection plan”, I would have completely responded to the loss of husband from the outside world. ”

Guan Hongshan sighed long

Although Chris has confirmed his arrest, Lin Ci is still missing.

If there is any connection between Chris and Lin Ci…

Then with Lin Ci’s method, it is very likely to get out

And that list…

Guan Hongshan’s mood is very complicated.

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