Chapter 105

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Although the first period is over, the mystery left by the end of the first period is like layers of mist…

And this is now the ninth issue of the heat is still high!

Everyone saw the evidence that Guan Hongshan produced in the final judgment

Jiang Yin is the real murderer and the shocking aftertaste has not disappeared, but the sentence immediately after the show made all this even more exaggerated!

The winner turned out to be Lin Ci?

The analysis videos and articles on major network platforms are simply overwhelming.

Especially the matter of who the real murderer is, it makes countless people dream of it.

# Lin CiThree consecutive victories!#

# Lin Ci won the ninth round!#

#九期Final flip! Winner Lin Ci!#

In the top ten on Weibo search list, Lin Ci alone has three

It is enough to see what kind of influence Lin Ci has!

Zhihu’s hottest rankings first and second are all questions related to Lin Ci.

[What do you think of Lin Ci’s three consecutive victories?] [What on earth did Lin Ci win in “Perfect Crime” issue?]
One person who answered “It’s good to be happy…” The answer was over ten thousand praises in 50 minutes.

[I saw all the clips of Lin Ci’s departure, but what I found here, except for Sun Cheng, where Lin Ci had an obvious layout, no clues about the layout were found.
Especially after the second court session, Lin Ci completely lost all the space for his activities. I don’t understand how Lin Ci won.

But now Bi already knows the result. From the results, Jiang Yin is obviously not the real murderer

Then the meaning of the parking lot she made is a bit unclear. I think Jiang Yin may have a different identity in the first period, not just Lin Ci’s lawyer.

Otherwise, many things cannot be explained

However, I actually saw an answer that said that Lin Ci is related to the program group? Is it the related user who won?

The person who says this is either silly or bad. Anyone with a discerning eye can see how difficult this episode is, although they don’t know how Lin Ci won. But if you change to another thousand people, can you win the fat profit in the hands of the crime solver and Jiang Yin?]

The reason why this answer can get so many likes…

Obviously because of the last blade groove

This complaint resonated with most people.

“I don’t know why Lin Ci won, but Lin Ci is over.”

Under such heat, the ratings of the rebroadcast of the first issue of “Perfect Crime” are even extremely high.

Even if the day is a rebroadcast, the play in the live broadcast room seems to have never stopped.

However, no matter how you look at it, people have not found anything from the live broadcast that is enough to make Lin Ci comeback.

Critical evidence.

But unlike the enthusiasm outside… Lin Ci’s house is quiet.

Bi Lin Ci is not a lively person.

The past few days can be said to be easy and freehand

You don’t need to count others, you can sleep until you wake up naturally. This simple job is Lin Ci’s dream.

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