84. The Past is Dark

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Octavian was exhausted. He had spent hours talking to his father about his past and having refreshments that his father was forcing him to take. He wasn't even hungry but his father just wanted to make sure to spend as much time as possible with his son not even wasting a moment. Octavian was almost freaking out from how intensely and obsessively his father was following his every move and listening to his every word. Octavian wanted to get the attention off himself somehow. Now was the time or he was going to run outside the room any moment then and surely anger his father.

Octavian cleared his throat and spoke " Father. May I ask you something?"

Augustus smiled " Anything son. You don't have to hold back. You can tell me anything."

Octavian sighed " I was wondering if you know, you could tell me about your past or rather the side of the family I don't know anything about. I have told you so much about my life. I was hoping you could also tell me about yourself."

Augustus stood up and started pacing back and forth in the room silently. Minutes went past and Augustus did not respond. Octavian was getting nervous now. He was concerned that he may have offended or angered his father somehow and according to Xander that had grave consequences.

Octavian spoke apologetically " Father I am sorry if my question offends you in any way......"

Augustus shook his head and spoke " It is all well son. Do not ever hesitate to ask me anything. As long as you don't directly question me in front of my army, I would never be offended. Now Octavian, lets get back to your query. You have asked a valid question but I am not sure if you are ready to learn everything about our family's history. There are things that only Eros, Dante's father and I know. However Eros may have filled Dante in by now. Now let me ask you this son. Are you sure you want to know? If you ever repeat our family history to outsiders and betray our family, you would be punished by me Octavian. You maybe my son but I won't tolerate betrayal. Tell me Octavian do you really want to have the responsibility of knowing information that only I and the Ronas know. Even your mother knows nothing about my bloodline. If she did. There was no way she would have become associated with me even though I am her blood match. Now Octavian I am going to give you a chance to take back your question. It's not too late. If you tell me that you are not ready to carry the responsibility of knowing too much about our history, we stop right here. But if you really wish to know the answer to your question so be it. You are eighteen now. You are old enough to take responsibility for your actions. You will have to give your word to me that you will not reveal what I tell you to anyone, not even your blood match. So what is your decision Octavian? Do you want answers or you are taking your questions back?"

Octavian was looking at his father with a mixture of distrust and hurt. He spoke with a sad tone " Father, if you truly believe that I am your son, you will not have to ask me that. I may have many weaknesses and have made so many mistakes but I never break anyone's trust. No matter who is concerned. I am quite offended."

Augustus sat down and sighed " Very well. It would hurt me alot if you betray me Octavian. It's natural for me to avoid any possibilities of punishing you for crimes that could be avoided. I am just looking out for you as your father. One thing you must know about me is that I don't forgive. I execute traitors without giving them a trial. Obviously you are my son and I would never go too far with hurting you to punish you but I want you to know that I am quite unforgiving and don't let things go lightly. Now swear to me that you don't be disclosing anything you learn from me to anyone."

Octavian rolled his eyes " Fine. I give you my word. I won't attempt to disclose any information you reveal to me ever."

Augustus took a deep breath and spoke " I accept your word. Now tell me son where would you like me to start."

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