64. Commanders & Assignments

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All the commanders were gathered in Xaviers headquarters around a large table. Their master had ordered them to discuss strategies for future battles. They had been working night and day doing planning for future battles for the past three days since master had summoned them and had instructed them about their next mission involving the doomed western territory. Master had decided to allow a one week break before attacking the western front but he had ordered a division of enforcers to surround the western borders to catch anyone who was going to make an exit and avoid the Ronas army invasion. The job of the commanders was now to prepare the rest of the army forces for battle in addition to one tricky key task.

For this particular meeting, they were to carry out this sensitive task of selecting a list of new recruits. They were to put forward some top individuals as their personal favourites to be interviewd by master personally in the coming days.

Demetrious was most anxious sitting inside the meeting. He was not really paying attention to what was happening around him. He knew his time was going to be up soon for submitting his final decision to Dante. If he refused, it would have made no difference to his situation. He could carry on as a commander in the magic science division. But his refusal could also mean that Dante had free reign issuing punishments to all captives at the western territory. At least Dante was going to allow him some freedom in issuing sanctions if he was to accept his offer. He was torn and he was not sure what was the best option.

Xavier's booming voice startled Demetrious and brought him out of his thoughts " Its time to begin the selection. May I remind you that if your selected candidates turn out to be weak, you would be held responsible for wasting masters time and would be punished alongside your incompetent candidate. So choose wisely. You can nominate a maximum of two names or none if you wish not to take part in the slection process. Demetrious, why dont you start putting forward your recommended recruits. Who has been doing well in training and trials in your view."

Demetrious spoke calmly: " well the training has not been completed yet but I wish to put forward, Zachary and Xanthos for the interviews. I arranged some private tution for them at the palace and based on what I saw, they are more than ready to face their final interview."

Xavier nodded in approval " Thank you Demetrious for endorsing my brother and showing your approval. I am honoured that you are finding my brother's performance satisfactory. Is there anyone on this table who has any objections to my brother's name being added to the list?"

No one breathed a word. Of course everyone knew what Xanthos was capable of.

Sean frowned " Dont sideline my brother Xavier. Demetrious put forward two names. Zachary is surely a deserving candidate and as good as your brother. I would like to express my gratitude to you Demetrious for endorsing him. Any objections to Zachary's nomination?"

Again, the room remained silent. Zachary was the model trainee. All knew he was destined for greatness.

Xavier continued: " Two names so far. Now, Alexander its your turn to nominate candidates."

Alexander scoffed " I nominate my cousin Lorna and Dylans cousin Roxana. Lorna is the best healer-fighter-assassin I have had in my division in a very long time. Roxana is also a great healer fighter assassin. she originally signed up to the magic science division but her healer abilities were just standing out so i just had to transfer her to my division and she works well with Lorna too. I really ......"

Dylan spoke in a threatening and low voice " what did you just say? My cousin is at the healer division? Not a chance. How dare you Alexander? why did you base her in your division and restrict her to working inside the four walls of your headquarters that stays out of action unless there is an emergency or a shortage of enforcers in a war. She is a skilled fighter. I object to this. She must be put forward as one of my recommended recruits for the fighter division."

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