94. Wisdom & Heartache

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Dante Ronas was furious. He could not comprehend how intruders had broken into his camp and had managed to escape with three of his most prized captives. Not only that. they were able to disappear before his fighters had even managed to arrive at the scene. Dante was outraged and had only one thing on his mind now. Revenge. He wanted his missing captives found and those intruders who dared break into his compound to be brought to Arkansan justice.

Demetrious cautiously entered Dante's chambers and spoke "Brother, did you need to see me? I heard a commotion outside and felt the presence of intruders, I expected you to summon all commanders but is there a reason you have not summoned anyone yet? I know you brother. You must be thinking about retaliation. What are you waiting for really?"

Dante shook his head "You know me well brother. I just wish you also resembled me in some ways too and your thoughts were alongside the same line as mine." Dante then smirked and started walking towards Demetrious.

Dante addressed his brother "You know, I can't wait for your power maturity to reach its peak soon. Then hopefully you will become wiser and wiserlike how I became when I got closer and closer to the age of 21. I cant wait to see these appalling waves of empathy getting kicked out of youthat I am sensing right now. Until then, I will be waiting. But back to your question. I am just waiting for some messenger spheres from the southern and eastern territory to reach our camp. I am going to issue a summon callto all commanders and outline my future plans but first I would like to find out what the other two remaining territories have decided. Their deadline is less than an hour away. What do you think the response will be? Would they fight or surrunder. Tell me."

Dante was now standing in front of Demetrious and was watching him with an intense gaze waiting for response.

Demetrious swallowed as he leaned onto the closed door he had just come through. Now he wished he hadnt come to his brother's chambers. he didnt know what possessed him to enter his brothers room voluntarily without being summoned. He hated his curiousity now. This was going to cost him dearly now. He could feel it. His brother was trying hard to feel the emotions from the depths of his soul. he had posted a question just to distract him.

Demetrious started shaking. his brother's powers were overwhelming  him. He started breathing heavily and slid down. he was sitting down on the floor leaning against the door, looking up at his brother who was tworing over him and smirking.

Demetrious spoke as he was breathing hard and was forced to be pushed down to sit on the floor by an unseen force "Dante. What are you doing to me? Why am I feeling drained of energy?"

Dante laughed "I am pretty sure you know exactly what I am doing since you are resisting it. Stop fighting. I am going to reach into your emotions and see your true feelings one way or another. You are no match for me. I can start feeling it now. You are trying so hard to push down different parts of your emotions so I cant feel them when you are in my presence. Dont bother with your empathic feelings. I am not interested in them. The part of you I am waiting to reveal itself is your dark side brother. I can feel it. Its quite powerful too. Its going to boil to the surface so suddenly one day you wont even know you ever lived any differently. But I must help you harness it. Tell me brother. Do you want me to help you fasten the process?"

Demetrious closed his eye shut and spoke "Stop this right now. I am happy as it is. Let me get up. I would let nature take its course."

Dante rolled his eyes "Fine. It would be really entertaining to watch you unleash your darker side in one outburst  anyway. So I am willing to drop it for now."

Demetrious then suddenly felt as though the tight invisible force that was pushing him down release him suddenly. he started breathing normally again and stood up carefully "Dont do that again. It really hurt. Or at least give me a warning when you want to assault me like this next time."

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