65. Young Hearts Tremble

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It was almost noon when Alexander had summoned the commanders whom were stationed in Arkansas in his meeting room. All those in the room were aware what was coming up. It was exciting to deal with the next generation. This years recruits were quite promising in comparison to the recruits in previous years.

Alexander cleared his throat and stood up and addressed the seated commanders, Demetrious, Edwin, Edward, Flora and Benjamin. " Good day commanders. I would like to welcome you to the session when we would deliver the good news to our selected recruits and inform them of our recommendations. I would like to take this minute to ask if anyone has had any additional candidates in mind that they would like to put forward or inform me of any changes in choices already made, please speak now. The chosen recruits will be sent to the western territory in the next hour for their interviews. It's vital for anyone who has any concerns or objections to come forward right now."

No one moved or breathed a word. There was not much to complain about. Benjamin finally broke the silence as all were waiting patiently for someone to talk " You are wasting your time Alexander by asking us if we have second thoughts. The strength of this years recruits is beyond anyone's imagination. We were spoilt for choice. There were so many seventeen and eighteen year olds due to the baby boom era that followed Demetrious's birth. Well his birth marked the strengthening of the pillars of the Ronas Dynasty since a second heir is a great omen. So now that you see no one is objecting, why don't you get everything on the road. We have duties to carry out and places to be. This is important. But if our divisions under-perform, then master would sanction us or demote us you see. I am pretty sure, there will be plenty of potential recruits who could replace us soon. So we must watch our backs."

Flora laughed; " Nice speech Benjamin. Too bad most of us would not believe you. We all know no recruits could fill in the shoes of senior commanders with no prior experience. Especially, one with your expertise is precious."

Edward looked anxious now : " Alexander, Please get on with it. Benjamin is right about one thing. We have duties to carry out. I have piles of reports to proof read, so do the others. These potential recruits would get to know the joy of reporting to our master on daily basis pretty soon. Lets hope it all ends well for them."

Demetrious shook his head " Edward, you have proof read your reports 3 times now. You don't always have to read them five times all the time. They are perfect. You don't need to be anxious. Besides, myself and Edwin have read our reports twice as well. So be assured that all would be well when the reports are sent over to the west tonight."

Alexander sighed " Certain habits die hard. Lets proceed. Then he threw green coloured stones on the floor in front of the meeting table and closed his eyes and called upon the new recruits. Within minutes nervous figures of new recruits with their black and red uniforms appeared in front of the commanders. They looked nervous and at unease. They clearly were not sure what to expect.

Alexander spoke " Congratulations young recruits. You have been hand picked by us to take part in interviews run by our master. In one hour time, you will be accompanied to the Ronas army camp at the western territory by the Ronas Royal guards. You would all be given a pack full of clothes and supplies. You will also be provided shared accommodation. That would only be temporary until after your interview when you would most likely be informed of which division you would belong to if you are successful. If you are unsuccessful, you may face some consequences and then will be sent back to Arkansas to undergo an intense program of training and then take part in the interviews again around this time next year. But you all must aim to pass the interview which would mean most likely for you to serve as a junior commander under the care of a senior commander at the front line to learn from the best. Good luck to you all. Now I would like you to take the opportunity to accompany us senior commanders to next door. I have layed out a feast for you to celebrate and also give you a chance to socialise with the other recruits you will be seeing alot from now in hopefully. Try to arrange yourselves in friendship groups. Remember, you will be leaving for the western territory in about an hour. Use your time wisely."

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