183. Veritas

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Demetrious was holding hands with Aretha as they were walking around the Royal gardens at the Ronas Palace.

Aretha bit her lip "Demetrious... Can you ask Dante if I can go to see Athena?"

Demetrious stopped walking and took a deep breath. He turned to Aretha "She is still recovering... Dante doesn't want any visitors right now... He won't take kindly to anyone coming between him and his blood match. Not even you who is Athena's sister... In fact I want you to avoid Dante so you don't upset him in any way while he is dealing with the elementals. What if he brings back the dagger spell again? I don't want to ask him anything. I want to keep you away from his way if possible..."

Aretha replied "He must be pleased right now... We brought back Veritas... I helped you track them down and Dante will be interrogating them today... Why wouldn't he be pleased? Besides you can't keep me away from his way. It's inevitable. I am living at the palace with you and see him around. He has encouraged you to take me along to where ever you want whenever you want so I get used to being around here... In fact we have to be going now. The interrogation of veritas society is getting under way... You are allowed to take me where you work... If Athena has recovered Dante may take her with him to the interrogation session and I get to see Athena... Let's go now..."

Demetrious smiled at Aretha and leaned close as he placed a kiss on her forehead. He pulled away and stood close to her as he took her hand in his "Aretha... I love it when you seem so ... relaxed having a conversation with me as though we haven't been through hell recently... You were tortured by that dagger for a long time and we couldn't be near each other... Yet you are willing to even be in the same room as my brother who condemned you to that torture... I admire you Aretha... Your courage and your fighting spirit is so admirable. I love you so much... But you don't have to try so hard to get used to the Ronas life... I don't have to take you to my work meetings to prove to Dante you are loyal... I will protect you with my life Aretha... But trust me when I say it's best you keep out of Dante's way..."

Aretha replied "Being separated from you taught me so much. It taught me how every moment with you is so precious. I love you Demetrious. You are my blood match, a worthy person with a kind heart... You stood up to your brother for what was right and you still do... That dagger spell was worth it. I fought alongside you and I have no regrets...."

Demetrious said "I don't want you to get hurt again Aretha. What if you defy my brother or insult him or attack him... Then he could bring back the dagger spell or worse. I can't take that risk. You are on a conversion program with me as your supervisor. I want you to stay safe... Please play along and act loyal... And please stay out of my brothers way and don't defy him and don't break the Ronas rules..."

Aretha said "You don't have to worry about me... Elementals now are a bigger threat to our lives and they don't fight fair. So I may be focused on defeating them with you after they took my sister and wanted to hurt her badly when she is innocent. I think we have to defeat the elementals before I can carry on fighting against your brother... So you don't have to worry that I will ever openly defy him. You don't have to worry that he will bring back the dagger spell. I will behave..."

Demetrious said "I love you so much..."

Aretha smiled "I love you too Demetrious." She then stood on her tiptoes and gave Demetrious a kiss on the cheek. As she took a step back she noticed Demetrious let go of her hand. She said "Please Demetrious. Can you take me with you... To the interrogation meeting of Veritas society?"

Demetrious said "Why don't you go back to the palace? You can hang out with my mother?"

Aretha said "Your mother now is happy that her sister is law is around. She doesn't complain much when I don't go to her more often... Your uncle Eric's wife is now living at the palace. Remember. I still can't believe Dante pardoned your uncle Eric and let's him live at the palace. His son Archelous is leading a resistance out there..."

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