108. Young & Troubled

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Zachary opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He was surprised to find himself in a room with red and black furniture that resembled.... one of the special unit rooms in the infirmiry of Ronas base. He had visited Serena at work before a couple of times before and knew the place inside out. He had no idea how he had ended up there but he coudnt complain. At elast he was no longer at the mercy of the Midnight Warrior's pack's Alpha or rather Alpha's. he could hardly recognise Octavian now with his urge to spill blood of his enemies. What had happened to him? Then he suddenly jumped from his bed at the thought of Xanthos. Where was he? he was so occupied with his thoughts he hadnt realised his fellow commander was not with him any longer.

Just in the moment Zachary was thinking of leaving, he felt Serena teleporting into his room. As she appeared and saw him up and about she ran to him and held him in a tight embrace. "Oh. You are awake. I am so overjoyed to see you alive and well." She then broke away and carried on speaking quickly "Half the base was looking for you and Xanthos for hours. Just tell me did you have to actually use some strange spell to come back? when you showed up in the middle of the base's training grounds, the enforcers thought your were the enemy. They nearly attacked you but when they saw both of you were unconscious, they halted their attack. When Sean found out that his own enforcers had nearly attacked you, he went mental, he...... dealt with each one of them that intended to hurt you personally. Don't ask me what he did. Now explain yourself. where did you go? You have been out for almost three days now. I am dying here to know what happened to you." as Serena finished her sentence, she was breathing heavily.

Zachary shook his head "I dont have time for reunions. i will tell you all about it later. Tell me where is Xanthos. I need to know if he is alive."

Serena sighed "What do you think? of course he is alive. Lorna, Zelina and I used about a hundred elder tree remedies to heal him for three days straight. He just regained conscious now. Thats why I left. The first thing he said was, get me Xavier and Sean now, I need to report to them. Lorna went to get them and Zelina stood by his side and is now trying to convince him to stay in bed. Now, it reminds me Zachary that you must get back to bed and have some remedies. You must rest because master would be summoning all of us soon. The fighters have now almost captured all healers and rebels that have been identified by our trackers in North America. Some big mission is coming up. I can feel it."

Zachary sighed "I don't want to rest. Honestly, I am ......" Then Zachary felt Sean entering the room. He looked furious.

Sean walked to Zachary and grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes "Uh. I can't believe you are alive and conscious. I blame Xavier for his genius idea of sending you and Xanthos to that troubled region. Sacred river is not a place for junior commanders. I cant believe you are not hurt." He then turned sharply to Serena "why didnt you inform me that he is awake? Lorna only had news of Xanthos. You have three days of night shifts from today for failure to inform your superior of his family's condition."

Zachary gasped "What? No. Sean. please. It was me. It was my fault. I delayed her. Don't give her night shifts."

Sean rolled his eyes " Just because you escaped your night shifts because of your health condition doesnt mean others should get away for some excuses too. I am her senior commender and her superior. She must have informed me."

Zachary shook his head "Sean. please. Its my fault. Our ..... greeting stage took longer and she didnt inform you I was awake. Blame me. Please."

Sean narrowed his eyes "Hold on. I need clarification on that." He then turned to Serena "Dismissed. Fine. You are off the hook because my brother insists. Go attend to your other duties, commander."

As Serena left, Sean turned to Zachary with narrowed eyes "Elaborate Zachary. What do you mean by your greeting stage with her took too long. Who is she to you? She cant be your blood match. You are too young to find one. Besides Lady Diodora is your ..... companion for now until that day comes for your blood match to come along. So whats going on? are you in love with that girl? because if you are, then you are condemning her to death. Lady Diodora wont hesistate to kill her since she is not your blood match. You have a Ronas palace member after you."

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