36. Dangerous Mistake (Part 2)

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Sean was contemplating in his mind what to do with Nitizya. He couldnt even speak from anger. He was breathing heavily and looking with fury and intent to inflict pain to Nitizya. He wanted so badly to torment her until she submitted. But he just couldnt bring himself to do it. He was surely thinking of ways to punish her but nothing could possibly atone for her crime but a long hard battering that he reserved for those who made him this furious. But Nitizya's case was different. He could never harm her the way he did to others.

Eversince he had laid eyes on her when Dylan and Tanya had brought her to Dante, he had lost his heart to her. He had never felt this much love and empathy towards anyone. But Nitizya was one he was willing to die for. He had just put his reputation on the line by taking the blame for her foolish acts. But he didnt mind. It was better for him to have to endure the punishments that his master used on those who didnt do their duties according to protocol line by line. His master was ruthless and no amount of begging and pleading could sway his mind once he gave a verdict. He knew, if she was ever convicted, Nitizya was going to end up too broken both mentally and physically by the time she was even allowed to leave the dungeons to be enrolled in a convesrion process.

Therefore, it was better for him to use his immunity as a commander to undergo any type of questioning and reprimanding that his master was most likely going to issue once he read the reports. Because of his highly ranked position as a commander, the most severe punishment he was most likely going to get for neglecting duties was "consecutive night shifts". So he welcomed the prospect of losing sleep to watching Nitizya suffer day and night in the dungeons.

As Nitizya was looking up into Sean's eyes she swallowed nervously. Sean's silence was like a knife stabbing her heart. His silence spoke tons. He had saved her life. He had made himself look like a neglectful commander in front of his colleagues. He had the right to be angry. So she tried to speak apologetically first: "Sean I am so sorry. I am in your debt for saving my life. I really didnt think this would happen. You should have let me take the fall."

At the mention of her last sentence, Sean's eyes even held more fury in them. As though he was trying to control him self, he turned his hands into fists and gritted his teeth. Nitizya was alarmed. He looked terrifying. She was now scared of all the waves of overwhelming anger that was radiating of Sean so suddenly. She was in danger now. She knew that Sean was powerful. She was an immature witch all alone in the same room with the third in command of Dante Ronas. She was going to be feeling alot of pain surely. Sean was a commander. He did not forgive. It seemed like her words had aggrevated him more. She slowly started backing away from him . She stood up and took steps back wards.

As she started backing away, he silently took steps towards her too. He could unleash his anger any moment now and Nitizya was the only one nearby. Sean was satisfied to sense the intense waves of fear coming from Nitizya. He had warned her not to break the rules and she had ignored his warnings. Now it was time to make her understand the consequences of her actions. She had to realise how much she had hurt him by putting herself in such grave danger.

Nitizya suddenly found her back hitting the wall. She considered teleporting out of the room but after facing Xavier and Nathan in the interrogation room, she welcomed any pain Sean was going to inflict on her. Sean was now standing in front of her and she didn't dare look up. Suddenly Sean tilted her chin up with one hand and rested his other hand on the wall inches from her head. She spoke again as the look in Sean's eyes made shivers go down her spine: " I am sorry Sean. I am willing to take the blame for this. I didn't want you to put yourself in danger for me....."

Sean finally spoke with venom "Do you have any idea what you did? Do you know how close you came to condeming yourself to suffering the most excruciating pains ever known? How could you do this Nitizya? How could you do this after all the warnings I gave you? I warned you to pretend to behave. The Ronas laws forbid mercy and empathy. If I wasnt there, you would have been interrogated for hours by Xavier and Nathan non-stop. They were going to break you inside out and then when they charged you with treason. There was nothing I could do for you then."

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