70. Young Beliefs & Forfeits

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Zachary was now back in his room ready to go to bed. He had taken off his Ronas uniform and was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. He disliked the idea of wearing pyjamas. It was mainly because the ones they were allowed to wear in the army had to either have their families logos on them or had to be Ronas night uniforms. He was surely going to get a warning or worse if he was caught with incorrect dress code but he was sure that night patrols had more pressing matters than checking the rooms of the new recruits and besides they always knocked and never stormed into bedrooms.

Either way, no new recruit was crazy enough to break the laws when surrounded by the most dangerous and well trained, highly experienced assessing surrounding them. But Zachary was different to others. He was fearless of all consequences. The only thing that could make Zachary shake with dread was the thought of his love getting hurt. Serena, returning his affections on that rooftop meant everything to him. He went to stand next to the window and stared at the tracker building where he and Serena had shared their first kiss. He was wondering when he was going to get his next kiss. He sighed. He was sure, the chances were slim to get close to Serena anytime soon. The risk of alerting Lorna and Bethany was just not worth visiting her chambers. Those two heartless witches had coincidently picked chambers next to Serena at the accommodation base. So faith had something against them meeting up.

Suddenly a knock brought him out of his thoughts. He was too distracted to try to sense who it may be, so he turned and carelessly cast a spell to open the door. Then he cursed himself for not pretending to sleep instead of opening his door. In front of him stood non other than Sean.

As Sean entered the room, he narrowed his eyes and spoke " What kind of sight is this Zachary. Cover up. Wear your uniform now. Have you lost your mind. I give you to the count of ten to change or I will give you night shifts for a week. It doesn't matter what rank master gives you after the interviews. You will be a junior commander tops and I would still out rank you as a senior commander. So move then. You idiot. One, two....."

Zachary rolled his eyes. He waved his hands and conjured his night Ronas uniform from the small wooden wardrobe in the room and got changed quickly. When Sean reached the count of ten he was ready. Zachary left his spot from next to window and walked towards his bed. " A Good to see you or how have you been would have been more appreciated. You are the same control freak you always were. I am going to bed. Are there any more complaints commander?"

Sean blocked Zachary's way and pushed him a few steps back. " Well. It's good to see you surely brother. But I prefer it if you didn't break any rules. It may damage my reputation when anyone especially my own enforcers reporting to me that my own blood is defying the most basic uniform rules. You have had a clean record so far and getting a score amongst the top three graduates in the noble academy, is not something everyone can do. I want you to make me proud. You must represent our family well. Basically, that was what I came here for. To remind you that your conduct and performance at the interviews is very important to me. If you mess this up in any way, you will regret it."

Zachary spoke with rage " of course. All you care about is your own reputation. Are you happy now? After all these years, your efforts to get me called up to the army paid off. No thanks to you, I am here when I could be preparing for entering a civilian role. I could be made an architect building shelters around Arkansas or a trainer teaching kids at the academy. But instead I am at a Ronas base waiting for my faith eagerly. I don't like displaying my power like you do brother. Military and top secret missions are your area of interest. Not mine. Now if there is nothing else you would like to warn or sanction me for, there is the door."

Sean narrowed his eyes and threw a forcefield at Zachary Luckily for him, he had anticipated his brother hitting him since he was used to him losing his temper. So Zachary managed to land safely on a sofa and avoiding hitting the glass windows. But his chest was stinging with a sharp pain. He groaned in pain " You know I am telling the truth Sean. You can't accept the fact that not all great things in this world are to do with displaying your power. Some of us, like to contribute differently in this society."

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