35. Dangerous Mistake (part 1)

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Sean was listening intently to Xavier's and Nathan's discussion about the leadership of the fighter forces. It had been almost an hour now that they were discussing strategies. this meeting was getting longer and longer. Sean was annoyed that they had to do these planning a before each battle. After all there was hardly any need for this. The Northern territory was no match for them. By tonight there wasn't going to be anything left of their defences either way.

Suddenly an enforcer appeared in the room and knelt on the floor and spoke: " I apologise for the interruption but there is a disturbance in the captive head quarters. There is a girl who had broken into the compound and is resisting arrest."

Nathan stood up " That is impossible. My compound is secure. There are seals. Whoever it is must have really used quite a lot of force to break in. Tough luck for them that the walls are resistant to teleportation." He turned to the other two commanders " we are almost finished now and dawn is near. So I bid you farewell until master summons us for attacking"

Xavier smirked " Come on Nathan. You know we don't mind lightening up our mood abit after this long meeting. Sean and I are coming with you. We could help you in interrogating her."

Sean looked at Xavier with a what the hell look " really Xavier? Since when do such small crimes interest you. An intruder so stupid to disturb the captive head quarters. I say whoever this girl is they are either insane or committing suicide. Fine. If you insist wasting our time on interrogating crazy suicidal witches. Lets go."

As the three commanders and the enforcers teleported, their eyes widened. Sean was outraged " there is no way its her. After all i tried to teach her. Damn you crazy witch." He thought to himself.

And there she was Nitizya fiercely attacking the enforcers who had surrounded her. She seemed like she was limping. She had injured herself but she was still fighting fiercely. As the commanders touched the ground and saw the scene, they gasped. They looked at her in disbelief. Nathan was the first one to roar at the enforcers " Stop. This instant. This intruder would be dealt with by us now. Get back to your posts."

As the enforcers scattered, Nathan summoned a a force sphere and threw it at his sister. She suddenly was disarmed and lost her concentration.

Nathan turned to Sean and Xavier " Lets take her to the interrogation chamber."

As Nathan finished his sentence Nitizya found herself seated in a chair in a white room. The white light spheres where hung from the the roof angled towards her seat. almost making it hard for her to look up. The three men were standing in front of her looking at her furiously.

Nathan was the first one to speak " How dare you defy me and embarrass me like this in front my enforcers. If master hadn't requested my assistance and hadn't asked me to keep you healthy you would be now hung from the ceiling and answering my questions, as I tormented you. But I am giving you a chance to speak like this before I proceed. So Nitizya before I move your case to the next stage involving extreme interrogation techniques use your tongue wisely and speak.

Xavier spoke with a disapproving tone " No Nathan she has crossed the line. Do you know how many offences she has committed. She needs to be interrogated the way we do to any other captive here. This is your division and I can't tell you how to run it. But I tell you, that this means favouritism. She has broken the laws. She refused to follow the instructions of a commander. She trespassed on a classified area. She resisted arrest. She assaulted enforcers during duty. I say tie her up from the ceiling upside down and we get to show her what real pain means. She needs to suffer the consequences. She is guilty until proven innocent."

Nathan nodded his head. As he was about to wave his hand Sean spoke " Stop. Nathan don't."

Xavier scoffed " Sean you saw how she was attacking our enforcers. She has to face the consequences."

Sean took a deep breath and spoke; "I am sure there would be no need to torment her. This is all a misunderstanding. I can explain. I now remember I commanded her to come see me during the night before leaving. I showed her my base through the window and instructed her that she was to come and spend time with me. But I didn't think she was going to be lost finding my head quarters. Maybe I accidentally showed her the wrong building. Your captive base is right next to mine. So Nathan. I am asking you to let me take the blame for her breaking in. If master asks you to report about your base, you must tell him it was me who forced Nitizya to leave her chambers. I think it is all my fault because I didn't make it clear that she had to ask permission from you before leaving. So Nathan. You must take my explanation as closure to this case."

Nathan and Xavier were looking at him with their mouths open. Xavier sounded baffled " Sean. Master may punish you for failing to give clear instructions to her. She is unfamiliar with our laws. You should have made it clear that she wasn't to leave her base unsupervised."

Nathan shook his head " Xavier is right. You shouldn't have been so careless. But Sean I would do my best to defend you when master reads our reports and recordings of the events here. I would mention that Nitizya feels an attachment to you. Maybe she knew the risks. She was so feeling obliged to see you, she left. She is unfamiliar with our ways. I disagree with Xavier. Master would understand. You tried to do your duty by inviting her to your base to educate her. Nothing happened. Breaking in for the purpose of finding a commander is not really a huge crime. Especially since she lost her path to your base. I will defend you in my report. That's fine. It's her fault to be fair. She should have told me. But lets put this behind us. Sean take Nitizya to your base and do whatever you were planning to do. But when master summons us, please return her to her chambers on the way and inform her guards to keep watch more carefully."

Sean nodded and grabbed Nitizya's arm and teleported them to his base. As they arrived, Sean roughly threw Nitizya onto a soft object. She noticed it was a bed. He was standing in front of her and towering over her with his intimidating stance. Nitizya was horrified when she looked up and saw his murderous eyes.

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