146. The Ronas Rage (Part 1)

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After being instructed by Dante, Octavian returned to his chambers. Arethusa quickley jumped from the bed and ran to him as he entered "What happened when you were taken away. Are you alright?"

Octavian smiled "Were you worried about me. Thats very sweet of you. It seems like you are warming upto me. I knew you couldnt resist me."

Arethusa narrowed her eyes "Of course, your Ronas ego cant even recognise some genuine concern for your well being." She then turned her back to him and walked to the bed but before she could take any more steps, Octavian grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him forcefully. Arethusa's eyes widened. They were now inches apart and Octavian was looking at her with fury. His firm grip on her arm tightened as sh tried to step away so she decided against it "Let me go. What is wrong with you? You are hurting my arm."

Octavian took a deep breath "Don't you ever walk away from me. Dont ever turn your back to me. I am your blood match. You will show me nothing but love and respect. Do you understand?"

Arethusa was staring at her blood match with her mouth open. She couldn't believe that was the reason he had gone crazy. She was baffled "I had heard tales of Ronas males being so obsessive and possessive but I never expected it to happen to me. Why cant you be a normal person? You made me feel regret about worrying about you when you teased me. Thats why I walked away now let go of me. It seems that I have a real fight on my hands. How on earth am I supposed to put up with you for all my life. Guess what? maybe I won't."

That did it. Octavian's eyes turned turquoise and he roared "Repeat that if you dare. Do you know what I am capable of? Do you want to get a taste of my wrath? You are mine. You dont disrespect me this way. Now repeat your words if you want to see what happens next. If you want me to teach you who you belong to say those words you just uttered. If you feel remorse beg for forgiveness.

Arethusa was now totally in shock. Who was this guy? This was a nightmare. She remained silent. She felt the danger staring right at her. What was she to do. He was way too powerful. She couldnt push him away. She couldnt cast any spell to defeat him. It didnt help that she was only seventeen and younger than Octavian. She didnt stand a chance at repelling him even if she used all her energy. So she did the only thing she could. She closed her eyes and cast the only spell that she knew could save her or buy her some time. An ancient summoning spell for conjuring a guardian. This spell hopefully was going to bring the witch and warlock most likely to protect her who was in closest proximity. He was hoping dante wasnt going to be the one warlok to show up. She hated locking eyes with his cold stare. The thought of his menacing presence made her cringe.

Octavian spoke again sounding irritated "Do I have to repeat myself? What the matter? You forgot how you disrespected our relationship? You forgot how you plunged a sword in my heart by stating you wont stand by me? Now apologise"

Arethusa spoke slowly "Can you calm down. Why are you so rageful suddenly that your eyes have turned turquoise. I thought that was a myth. I knew you became the most destructive Ronas weapon in Dante Ronas's possession if you had a motivation that changed your eye colour but seriously what is your motivation now." She then became wary since he looked even more furious now "Wait. Ok. I am sorry. Forgive me. Now calm down. Go back to being how you were."

Octavian spoke while smirking "You know full well, that was no apology. Say it again. This time you would better be sounding remorseful or I would ..." He leaned closer and whispered "hurt you but not in ways that you might think. I would cause you pain while I would feel the pleasure ....."

Arethusa couldnt take it any more and raised her hand to slap him but he caught her hand in his. He looked at her her with an evil smirk. I would give you a choice here. Would you like me to punish you for this while I pin you to the wall or the bed."

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