139. Love Never Dies

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Athena was in total shock. No words could describe how she felt as she heard Dante's words. She took a few steps backwards away from Dante, shaking her head.

She spoke with pain evident in her voice"Dante. Why are you doing this? Is this really what our relationship has come down to? Why are you hung up on taking revenge on the people that I care about. Donavan is..."

It was Dante's turn to be furious. He took a step forward and spoke in a firm tone "Dont you dare say it. Dont you dare declare your love for him. Every time you say his name, it makes me burn with fury and jealousy. You are mine and so is your heart. Every time you mention him, it reminds me of how much i hate him and how badly i want to break him. His crime is capturing the love of the woman that belongs to me. He met you long before i had the chance to. I want him shattered to pieces. I want him to suffer and you are going to be the cause of it."

Athena was trembling from rage and disbelief. Suddenly couldn't contain her emotions any more. She stared right at Dante with fury in her eyes. She was fuming. She roared" How can you ask me to hurt Donavan this way? How can you ask me to commit to such cold act? How can you ask me to look him in the eye and tell him "Donavan I hate you. The thought of you makes me cringe. I never loved you and never will Donavan. I love Dante, the man you despise the most". Are you crazy? Do you hear yourself? What kind of request is this? I could never do that. You are crossing the line by this request. Take it back now."

Dante replied sounding astonished " Are you refusing me? For your information, I didn't ask you for anything. I demanded it from you. It wasn't a request. It was an ultimatum or rather life line in case of the lover boy. I want him gone from your life. I can't kill him since I Know you would mourn him for eternity but I can get rid of him if he backs off. He must lose his loving feelings towards you and only then I would be fully satisfied ".

Athena narrowed her eyes " Your nemesis with Donavan is going too far. You even gave Alpha Augustus the chance to become your ally and spared him. He has done more attacks on Arkansas than Donavan's pack. Why are you so dead set of breaking Donavan but not some of your other enemies with a darker track record against you."

Dante spoke " Firstly Alpha Augustus refused the offer of alliance and ran away with Valentina hours ago. That is why my commanders were summoned. He is now back on the wanted list. He won't get special treatment anymore when he is captured.... "

Athena looked content at hearing this " When or if you capture him? Valentina is no ordinary witch. You can't break her defensive enchantments that easily. It would take you a very long time to capture them unless you agree with a truce. That woman is of Riana's blood. I understand why she must have left. She can't bear the thought that her blood match kneels to you. Some people fight for being treated like an equal. It's a fight that's worth fighting for. I totally understand her. Valentina doesn't like the thought of giving into you and your rules. Neither do I. I compromise with you as much as I can but you are being unreasonable here. There is no way I am putting up with your demands to hurt Donavan and break him this way. I would have no part of it."

Dante smirked " So be it. I would surely send your regards to Donavan when I torment him tonight before we go to the commemorations. I won't stop until he loses his voice from screaming."

As she heard his words, Athena conjured a light sphere and threw it at Dante which he deflected instantly with his forcefield. He expected Athena to attack him. He had felt her rage. It was his turn to turn furious. He conjured a lightening bolt and threw it at Athena which she deflected too. Dante roared " You dare strike me in my castle? Do you have any idea what spells I can conjure from these walls? You are on Ronas grounds. You are standing where I can bring your worst nightmares to reality. Do you really want to carry on. Drop that light sphere you just conjured and beg me for forgiveness and I would let you off easy. Then we can visit Donavans cell and you would do as I asked. Don't make me hurt you my love. You are already defeated and I know that you know it too. You can never defeat me in my castle. You don't stand a chance."

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