32. She is to die for

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Demetrious was sitting behind his desk in his chambers at the palace going through his pile of work, He was reading through some reserch files and checking them for any possible errors that he could spot. He was to do his job properly if he wanted to keep an eye on his own mission too. He liked bringing work back to his room because then, he could use work as an excuse not to stay at dinner table gatherings too long.

His main priority was now to use his position to gather inside information. Whenever he had spare time after his duties, he had tried to find possibilities of breaking masses of freedom fighters out of dungeons to a location concealed to the Arkansans but he had little luck so far. The security at the dungeons was tight but the army of enforcers stationed around the region made it impossible for any non Arkansan to survive for long.

His other side mission was to find out about the sacred river in the central territory. Ever since he had overheard Tanya speaking to Dylan about his brother's suspicious activities in that region, he had become curious.

He suddenly felt a presence approaching his chambers. They were teleporting? What? Who in their right mind would defy the martial law? How could they break the curfew and come towards the palace of all the places where there were guards surrounding them.

Suddenly, Demetrious was frozen as he saw the figure that appeared in front of him. He stood up from his desk and approached the figure. "Edwin? What are you doing here? Are you out of your mind? What if the enforcers show up with trackers at the palace? Do you know the punishment for being found at martial law time? I am pretty sure you know since you sprinted out of my room a few hours ago to avoid the curfew. What made you change your mind?"

Edwin was standing straight but his eyes were down cast. As Demetrious tilted his chin up with his hand he gasped at his tearful eyes. Edwin seemed... Broken.

"Edwin, what's happened. Why the turn around? You didn't look like death a few hours ago. What's the matter." He then held Edwin's shoulders and shook him "tell me Edwin. Why have you broken the rules and Why are you crying?"

Edwin spoke with so much pain in his voice: " they have arrested Gloria. She is apparently an informant. I want to save her. I came here to ask for help. I know this means treason but I cant watch her being tormented. please Demetrious, help me. We used to be friends. I don't care if you refuse me or even report me. Even If you wish to turn me over to the authorities, please send me to be locked up in her cell. At least I would be reunited with her at her painful hours. She is being questioned. They are hurting her as we speak."

Demetrious didn't know what to say. He let go of Edwin and walked back to sit behind his desk. Edwin had changed since their last encounter only few hours ago. He wasn't radiating fear no more. It was surely because he wanted to die. He envied Edwin. He wished he could feel so much love for a woman that could make him become fearless of all consequences.

Demetrious sighed;" Edwin, you should know me by now. I would never turn you over. But it doesn't mean I am going to stand around and watch you get arrested doing the impossible. You can't help Gloria. She is condemned. Even if you help break her out, where are you going to hide her? The minute you get her out, the trackers would be on call. Havent you seen the extra enforcers patrolling everywhere. We are at war mode. The military is at its strongest point. You have to let her go."

Edwin's expression changed to furious now. He got the courage to walk to Demetrious's desk and banged his fists on his desk. "No Demetrious. I can't give up. I care about her. How can you demand this of me to give up up on her. What would you have done if you were in my situation. have you forgotten? You did the same for Evelina. She seduced you but you still helped her even though you knew the consequences. This is what you do when you care about some one."

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