172. Young Dystopian Troubles (Part 2)

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Zachary could feel nothing but pain. His head was hurting and he felt nauseous. He tried to move but he couldnt. His hands were painfully tied behind his back by some strings he couldn't open. More like Ronas strings. Only they weren't Ronas strings. He could tell. Even he couldn't see anything but darkness. He groaned in pain and with all his energy came out of unconsciousness and opened his eyes. He was horrified at the sight.

All his fellow junior commanders who had accompanied Edwin were in the room in a circle all out cold but in the same situation. Their hands were painfully tied behind their back behind a pole as they were seated on the stone cold floor. He recognised that kind of pole. It was a tortuting pole. No wonder his back was hurting and he felt drained of energy. The throngs and the contact with the pole were making it painful. No wonder every one had passed out from the pain. But why had they ended up here in the first place. He tried to think hard. They entered a room that had files there. Serena wanted to look through them. But Edwin was against it. He wanted to lead them to a section master had created recently. But too bad they never even got to see it. Someone touched an object. It was Serena. She touched an object in a file that had her name on it and then all had gone black. They were teleported here and had passed out from the pain. He had no idea where they were and who had done this but they weren't in Arkansas. That was for sure. Zachary tried to mutter a spell to lite up the place that was so dim to see the faces of his friends. He could tell their faces vaguely. But then he cried out in agony as he noticed someone missing. Now that he was regaining consciousness fully, he noticed that .... Serena was missing. He shouted with all his body strength " Serena...."

His voice woke up the whole room. Groans of pain filled the room with waves of fear and confusion. It was Xanthos who found his voice first " Where are we." He then looked around the room and as he found his concentration he shouted " Zelina ... Are you ok?"

Questions filled the room as the junior commanders used all energy they could to communicate and assess the situation.

Zelina turned to Zachary " Calm down. We will get out of here."

Zachary gritted his teeth as he was struggling against his restraints. " Serena.... She is gone."that's when the room went silent. Everyone looked around them.

Edwin was panicking " Cousin ..... Serena .... Where is she?"

Xanthos laughed bitterly " Who cares. She landed us in this mess in the first place. She touched that thing. Whatever it was in her file. Anything that happens to her is no concern of ours. She disobeyed orders from me too to not touch her file. I am her superior in the army and outrank her since I am in leadership division."

Xander spoke " Give it a rest. Will you. It doesn't matter now. We are all trapped here with no way out. We have to find a way out."

Lorna sighed " Whatever you do, don't move Xander. These poles have sensors and are motion sensitive. If we try to get away they intensify the pain and drain us of whatever energy we have left. Look at Zachary's face. He is in unbearable pain now since he is trying to free himself. Zachary stop and be rational."

Edwin spoke " Actually. He is the only one who can get us out. He is a protector wizard. Let him do whatever he wants to do. Once his survival instincts kick in, He may save us by some miracle. That's what I hope for. Leave him be."

Larrisa spoke " But he has no colour on his face. What if he .... dies."

Zachary closed his eyes shut as he was struggling against his restraints. His hands glowed for seconds and then it went back to normal. Zachary opened his eyes that were now red. He was breathing heavily as he leaned to the pole and tried concentrating again."

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