159. His vendetta (Part 2)

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Athena was looking at Dante with disbelief "Whats this necklace has got to do with any thing? I just happen to like this blue rose and besides. Its enchanted and has many secrets to be unlocked within it."

Dante crossed his arms "Really my love? Dont give me excuses. I know you love the memories of us and the time we spent at my castle so much, you cant give this necklace up."

Athena narrowed her eyes "Dont over estimate our time together. I have so many bad memories attached too besides the good ones."

Dante spoke "So you admit you enjoyed it a little bit."

Athena narrowed her eyes and spoke "I have to go. I will see you at dawn or earlier depending on when you ambush us."

Dante spoke "Wait. Don't go"

Athena sighed "Goodbye. I have to go." Athena turned around and ignored Dante's call. As she was about to go inside. She gasped as she saw the massive mountain of blue roses that reached the ceiling blocked her path. She turned to Dante with wide eyes. "How did you do that? This castle is protected. How could you penetrate it?"

Dante smiled "Relax my love. I cant get past all the enchantments that my uncle Eric has set. I can get harmless spells through..... for now. Once I order the attack on this castle, i can damage the shields that protect this castle. Then that would mean these people inside would have to stop defening the four gates and protect the shields. The shield is connected to the doors. Once it gets weakened, the doors will open, with or without the blood of Marcus's bloodline and those four unique warlock-werewolves. So I wish them good luck. If they don't defend the shield, they cant defend the four gates. If they leave the shield and only defend the four gates, then the shield will come down and gates will open. So tell them to guard both points of defence of thsi castle."

Athena was looking at dante so suspiciously "Why are you trying to give these people tips. You are trying to break in. Is it wise to discuss your strategies?"

Dante spoke "I want a real fight from these people. I live for a challenge. I want them to put up a great fight. You know it gets boring when I win fights so easily. There are three Ronas fighters in this castle in addition to an elemental and of course your sister and your cousin and of course the most powerful of them all ..... you. I know, I would never get a fight like this ever against my army in future. it would be impossible. This would be one long and hard fight. Winning this battle would really satisfy me even though its painful to be away from you, it makes the wait worth it until I defeat these people and hold you in my arms again."

Athena turned around and picked up a blue rose from the pile Dante had conjured. That made the pile disappear. She smelled it and spoke " Why are you doing this Dante. This flower is the symbol of your love for me. Yet you throw it at me when you are about to hurt me. I wish you could be a normal blood match. I wish you could be kind and loving. I wish you could love this world as much as I do. I wish you hated conquering and making others suffer as much as I do."

Dante sighed "But I don't follow your ideals. We are different. That is why I am your blood match and not that moron, Donavan. Accept it. Whats the point of having a partner in life that agrees with everything you say. Whats the point of a partner who never challenges you. I love you because you make me fight and I know you love me because I make you fight back. But my love, every battle has to end one day with one side deafeated and one victorious side. I will beat you. I will defeat you. So dont be stubborn and don't hurt yourslef here by fighting too hard. You cant beat me. Its one thing to fight me in our privacy in my castle but out in the open, this has gone too far. You picking sides with three Ronas is the end of your rebelious path that you have taken. it ends here in this last battle. I assure you. I am going to ask you one last time my love. Do you want to surrunder to me before dawn and save yourself some heartache. If you dont fight alongside them, they wont suffer as much as I have planned for them."

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