155. Unlikely Alliance

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Athena was distraught as she looked on at the images from the events at Dante's commemorations. She was sitting on a bed in her room looking at a broadcasting sphere with wide eyes as gruesome events were unfolding in front of her eyes.

Suddenly Aretha burst in her room and pointed at the broadcasting sphere " So, you are watching this too. I thought maybe your heart can't take watching your blood match terrorising the world this way. How many more representatives have to be slaughtered at the hands of Dante's knights or cut up by his dragons so you will let us leave this hide out and confront the monster. Mother and father can not leave since they are helping with Eric Ronas and the Ancient society guarding the eternal light. Their powers are enough to keep that object safe and hidden. Eric Ronas said it himself that you and I can choose what to do with our destiny. I don't know about yours but I know mine is not one to be spent within the four walls of a safe house underneath any river. I say it's time to swim to the surface. Either come with me to attack Dante's castle or I will."

Athena stood up and walked up to Aretha " You don't know what you are talking about Aretha. Dante has raised the security ever since our cousin and the healer coven attacked the castle of spears. There is no way you can get within the walls and won't be surrounded by darkness. Any intruders now may even those horrific dragons you just saw killing those representatives who refused to step down from their positions and allow Arkansan enforcers rule their territories. Anything that happens inside that castle can't be stopped by anyone. Only those of Ronas bloodlines have a chance of attacking that castle and have chances of survivlnos that Dante has maximised the offensive spells of that castle against intruders."

Aretha spoke " Come on Athena. You can't just sit here and do nothing. We have to get out there and do something. I know you said you won't leave this place without a plan but Athena what is happening at Dante's commemorations is so brutal. Dante slaughtered representatives from all five territories. He made them fight Octavian and Diodora to death so theNorthern, southern, eastern, western and central territory would be governed by his own enforcers. We did nothing when that happened. Then Dante sent the representatives from the Aztec holly land and South American territories to their deaths by making them fight his dragons. They didn't last long as you could predict. We also sat down and did nothing then. He then sent Look at sphere. It's now time for all of these poor souls from arctic mountain territories to be slaughtered. Why aren't you agreeing with my plan. At least we could save someone if we attack now. I refuse to believe that castle of spears can't be penetrated."

Athena sighed " Aretha. Don't you think I am hurting as you are. I am as devastated. There is nothing we can do. I tried to search for some hope in my visions. Lets say nothing good would come out if we go anywhere near that castle right now. You tell me why I am not going anything but these people who are getting killed know what they are doing. They would rather die than be ruled by Dante. He gave them the choice. Either they must step down voluntarily and let an Arkansan be deployed to manage their land or they die. They refused even though they knew their land is ruled by Arksnsan laws already. They surrendered to Dante to comply by his laws but they are refusing to hand over their position now. Remember how many times we sent messages to all those territories to offer them assistance in defending their lands. They refused. Now it's too late."

Aretha spoke " I don't want to watch any more Athena. Please work with me to come up with a plan and stop this. I don't want Demeyrious to murder The Scandinavian representative. He is up next to fight Arethusa's brother, Arthurius. Since the ruler is too old to fight his son does it as you can see. Please, we can't let Demetrious murder Arthurious. He is our distant cousin."

Athena rolled her eyes " Demetrious won't kill him. Dante wouldn't dare touch our cousin. I saw a vision of what happens next. Arthurious won't be killed. See for yourself."

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