100. He Seeks Their Demise

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Demetrious was laying on his bed and playing with his light spheres while awaiting his brother's summon call. He found it calming to juggle those spheres and throw them around the room in his hours of loneliness in his chambers. He was trying so hard to distract himself from what could happen next for him and the rest of North America no thanks to his brother. The wait was frustrating for him but it ended sooner than he thought.

As soon as the summon call came, he waved his hands and collected his light spheres and put them aside. He took a deep breath and stood up and teleported to his brothers special meeting room. As his foot touched the ground, he felt Athenas presence in the room as well as his brother but he did not detect any of Dante's commanders.

As Demetrious found himself in the middle of the meeting room, Dante was right in front of him and staring at him with his cold eyes while Athena was standing at the back silently observing the two brothers carefully . Dante spoke in a bored tone " I bet you know why I have summoned you here by yourself. Don't you brother?"

Demetrious nodded " Of course. It is time to summon the other half of the jewel of illusion from the heart of the Ronas statue in Arkansas. I guess it's not going to change anything if I told you I wish to have no part of this. You have made up your mind but at least hear me on this. Dante I think you have forgotten the basic principles in treating your blood match. You are hurting her by going after her coven. They are healers. Why can't you leave them be. They won't ever pose a threat to you. It's not moral to attack them."

Dante frowned " Of course you can plead to me all you want. It won't make a difference. That coven is no ordinary band of healers. They have kept my blood match away from me for as long as they could. The time I have given to Athena is over. All territories have fallen, except Alaska."

Demetrious sighed " Come on Dante. You will regret hurting your blood match by threatening the life of her coven."

Dante raised an eyebrow " Of course and that coven includes your blood match. Don't worry my treatment of her would depend on her co-operation. If she is obedient towards me and my rules, I would go easier on her. Lets hope she is not one stubborn empath like you. Time will tell surely. Well. Now Lets get this over with. Shall we?"

Demetrious did not like the dark glint in Dante's eyes at all. He spoke " What if I refuse to help you summon the jewel? It's in dormant state so it needs both of us."

Dante stared at Demetrious with an intimidating glare that made him take a step back. Dante's voice shook the walls " Do you really want to find out? Do you Demetrious? What do you think i will do? I would take pleasure in hunting down your blood match. You will be leaving your blood match, Aretha at my mercy. This jewel would only help me locate Athena's coven faster than my trackers. Have no doubt that our trackers can locate your blood match one day one way or another. No one can hide from the Ronas army that is lead by me. Check the prophecy Demetrious. Now don't test my patience. Give me your hand before I make you regret thinking about crossing me."

Athena could feel the waves of conflict and pain within Demeyrious's heart. She didn't want him to act irrationally and take on Dante without any plans or consideration of the consequences if he was to lose the inevitable battle between them. So she spoke quickly but gently " Demetrious don't fight him. Don't have any doubt. My coven and I would handle everything that happens next. Do as he says."

Dante raised an eyebrow " Saved by my blood match. Looks like she is already warming up to her future brother in law. So what's it going to be Demetrious? Are you going to obey me or will make life difficult for yourself by defying me, little brother?"

Demetrious looked defeated. Reluctantly he offered his hand to his older brother to take. As Dante held his hand, an intense ray of light was radiated from their entangled hands. Dante quickly whispered a spell and took a deep breath and closed his eyes and spoke " Now Demetrious. You must Say that spell out loud too. Now. Call upon the other half of the jewel of illusion that's been hidden inside the statue of our great ancestor for the past century. Lets wake it up."

Her Heart, His obsessionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang