2. Meeting Him

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1 week later

Athena was a patient witch but she could not withhold her curiosity for the recovering wounded power source laying unconscious on the small bed in her guest room. Over the past 7 days she had used every remedy possible that was known to her. His wounds were healing slowly but he still had not woken up. She was now sitting on her sofa going through her notes she had taken when she was training with the elders. This was the last remaining book she possessed on healing and remedies for wounds caused by spells. She was quite certain the wounds must have come from a powerful bunch of warlocks. It couldn't be the work of one man. Doing such damage to this stranger is no ordinary task. As he was recovering the powerful wave radiating off him had doubled in scale.

She was suddenly frozen when flipping the page to the chapter titled "the power of the magical breath". The elders always told her she had many undiscovered gifts and she must use them for greater good. Did she really have to kiss this stranger to save him further pain? There was no mistake she was a powerful warlock and her breath could do miracles. She had to be selfless for now. With this though she walked to her guest room.

"I hope he doesn't wake up any time soon" Athena thought to herself and bent over the stranger. She took a deep breath and started kissing the stranger's lips and exchanging breaths. It was not long before a pair of cold grey eyes were staring at her at the closest proximity she had been to a guy. She gasped and pulled away. She stood up and tried to step away from the bed, but the stranger held her hand and pulled her back.

"Not so fast my noble blooded witch. i would like to be close to my saviour"

"Fine, but let go of my hand. I don't like Use of force" She whispered

The stranger seemed shocked but recovered back to his cold expression. "I am holding your hand to get to know you. You should know that . We are from the same clan. I can feel your blood calling to me".

With that, Athena panicked and untangled herself. "No, I don't think so. You are not from Alaska. I would have ..."

And the stranger interrupted her by his menacing laughter. He stood up and walked slowly towards Athena who was now taking step backwards and suddenly hit the wall.

He smirked and caged her with his hands on either side of her head "I see, you are trying to hide your true identity. I see. Your parents have done well keeping you hidden from me all these years but the chase is over now"

What? No he couldn't know who Athena was. How? Athena was now terrified and confused. "Who are you?"

"Before i answer your question. Lets make it clear. I am not gonna hurt you. You saved my life. So stop these waves of fear you are sending my way. You are a noble blood like me from the Arkansas clan so we are the hunters, we are the conquerors, we are the destroyers" and he walked away and sat on the bed while Athena was glued to the wall and intended to get as much information about this stranger. He was too powerful. She needed to know how he recognised her.

"The moment you touched me next to that stream I could feel you were familiar. Your blood calls to me. You are an Arkansan born pure witch. The only female with the power closest to matching mine. Your parents knew that so they moved away from our clan when you were born" he was now staring at her intently

"No, You cant be Dante. You can't be that blood thirsty leader of the Arkansan clan. No it can't be. They said you were dead. When Dante attacked the vampires down in Quebec to claim new territory. They said he was badly wounded". Athena whispered

Suddenly Dante's presence changed. His hateful glare was a terrifying sight. "Yes, I was injured. That was 3 months ago.they tried every trick in the book to kill me. But I got myself out of their clutches. I did the teleportation spell to find the most skilled healer on this planet but I had underestimated the fact that this healer would be in a place protected by ancient spells. I did not have the strength to break in so I landed down near the stream and luckily you found me within days of my arrival". He stood up and walked towards Athena again this time with a soft expression

"For the last time, don't fear me. My hate was directed to those low lives who kept me captive for three months. They will pay a heavy price And the coward fighters i took with me also would be punished severely. I didn't think I needed a big army to defeat the blood suckers. It seems like they had help from some warlock traitors. I will find them too and will put them through the same pain I was put through, only 100 times worse" by now Dante was again in front of Athena

"Dante. What do you want to do with me and my family" Athena looked away. It was hard for her to even refer to her family's past. Her parents had confided to only 3 of the elders about her identity and heritage.

Dante held both her hands and squeezed them and kissed them gently. "My love I could never hurt you and anyone blood related to you. I am attracted to you. My power calls to yours. Can't you feel it. Together we can rule and take our revenge on those who held us back by preventing us to unite. We are invincible together".

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