45. Northern Darkness

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Dante had made so many suffer while Athena was healing in his chambers. Her rejection and resistance had made him even more determined to make people suffer even beyond what was needed to be done to make them surrender. He had destroyed building after building from rage. It was evident that most of the damage were done in anger. He had especially made sure to burn all ancient buildings to the ground.

Some of Dante's enforcers now were working to make Ronas monuments and buildings. Those new Ronas built sites were going to be decorated with images of Ronas the conquerer battling with his enemies. Dante had ordered his enforcers to wipe the towns clean of any trace of the previous way of life in Northern Territory. Any citizen in possession of any thing associated with their past wre going to be arrested and sent to Arkansas to be put on trial. Dante had created so much fear and panic amongst the few numbers whom were left alive and free to live in Northern Territory under his rule. Only those whom had surrendered were allowed back to their homes. Others whom had dared to resist Dante had either been killed or captured. .

The smell of smoke and blood was everywhere. The screams and cries of pain were the only sound heard by Athena. Dante had sent Athena to the middle of the destructed capital of the northern territory or rather what was left of it. Athena was fuming now. How long had he kept her in his chambers for. He had invaded all towns while the process of transferring the captives and stationing enforcers were happening at the same time. She couldn't believe how much destruction Dante had contributed to. She suddenly felt nauseous and knelt on the floor next to a dried up fountain. She was feeling sick. She had to find her healer coven and get help. She didn't even know where to start. She had to find her coven now and help evacuating the civilians who didn't wants to live under Ronas rules. But it saddened her that it was most likely that that group of people were captured now. Only those whom had surrendered were allowed to be back to their land. However she was sure her coven had done their best evacuating most of the people in need. But still with the enormous waves of pain she could feel from miles away, she was sure there were many who had not been reached on time to be rescued and instead they were most likely being tormented at the captive headquarters as a victory celebration for the Ronas Army.

As she was starting to make some connection to her coven, Athena heard Alexandra's voice behind her "Athena is that you. Where have you been? We were looking all over for you. You must come back with us. This area is quite dangerous. Apparently, the trackers are everywhere trying to acquire strong bloodlines who have managed to hide somehow. Come on. We have made a base just outside the Northern Territory near the west from here. We have to go now." As she grabbed Athena, her words registered. Things were not so bad then. There was some operation happening by her coven at least.

As the white light cleared following their teleportation, Athena gasped at the sight. There was a massive tent full of children and elderly. What was happening.

Alexandra spoke "Well they are here because Aretha couldn't guarantee everyone's safety at every one time we were teleporting the civilians to Alaska and Valera. Well so we worked slowly for a while. Everything was going on smoothly until 2 hours ago when Dante's army took over all Northern Territory. Now they have access to all routes. It's so hard to find a route that's 100% safe for these civilians. We can teleport because we are fighters. we can get them off our tail but these people don't stand a chance if the likes of Tanya and Lucia chase them. We have sealed this area as best as we could with our spells. but as you know, we cant stay here forever undetected. It's only a matter of time before the Ronas army would locate us. It is vital to find a secure teleportation route. and you are just the one to do it for us. I found you on time. By the way, We have a meeting next door in a few minutes. Lets go."

Athena was still in shock. It felt as though she had missed out on a. Massive part of the battle. As they went to the next tent, she noticed the big round red table with parchments and maps around the place. She sighed and followed Alexandra. As they both sat down and waited, the healer coven appeared one by one. All eight of them in one room now.

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