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— Opening her eyes, Finley sat upright from her place on her uncomfortable sleeping arrangements. Looking around her tent, she searched for what she had dreamt of.

Her feet make light as she pads quickly and quietly towards the entrance of the tent.

From what she could see, it was still dark out. Whoever was here, was meant for their arrival to be a surprise visit.

Finley drew her wand from her back pocket, holding it out defensively in front of her.

She readies herself before bursting through the flaps of the tent, wand pointed in the direction of the intruder.

There, in all his aging glory, stood Albus Dumbledore. His white and gray robes drag across the forest ground, somehow not collecting the dirt. His long, white facial hair rests well below his neck.

This was the first time Finley Robinson had met the infamous wizard.

"I come with no means of violence. However, it is relieving, in a way, to see you ready for anything." His voice was deep and wise, years of knowledge behind his words.

"Then why are you here?" The strawberry blonde snips, being blunt and fierce. Her personality was shown brightly through her appearance– the red hair adding to her fire.

"I come, only to wish you an offering."

"Offering of what kind? I've already told the Ministry of Magic, I want no partake in their activities!" Her wand was still raised, but it had lowered exceedingly when she saw who the intruder of her home was.

She knew she could not beat the Headmaster, no matter how hard she tried. Not yet.

"You know of the prophecy, yes?" Dumbledore had his hands by his side, no wand in sight. But she knew he didn't need one. He stood calm.

"What prophecy?" She rebuttals, curiosity shining in her eyes before it disappears once again.

The wizard tsks. "Why don't we sit down and have a chat?"

She was reluctant, but she knew she didn't have much of a choice.

Finley led the powerful man into her temporary home, pulling out a seat for him before going to make a pot of tea.

"Such extraordinary living quarters." She believes he complimented.

Finley wearily responds with, "Thanks."

"If I may ask, why do you live out in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere?" The old man inquired.

Finley pours the tea, putting two sugars in before placing the steaming cup in front of him. "I believe you can work that out for yourself, sir. I know how that mind of yours works."

"I would assume it's because you don't want the Ministry of Magic all on your tail." The man smiles behind his half-moon glasses.

"That, and expenses would catch up to me far too fast." Finley joked back, trying to keep the mood light. But, she knew it wouldn't last long.

"The prophecies I speak of... they mean a great deal to our world. It's life or death."

"What are the prophecies?" She questions, taking the chair next to Dumbledore.

"The first: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..." His voice quoted, almost as if he repeated it multiple times.

"This equal... Do you know who he is?" Finley questions, leaning forward in her chair with anticipation.

"Why, our very own, Harry Potter!" He smiled warmly at the mention of the boy.

"Harry Potter? I've heard quite the reputation he's built for himself over the years. Being accused of lying about the return of Lord Voldemort? That isn't true, right, Albus?" Her eyes squint, eyebrows furrowing.

She had her opinions and thoughts about the return of the Dark Lord. She just didn't have anything confirmed.

"Yes. He has returned, and with a record as quick as wit. He murdered Cedric Diggory–a student who attended my school– the night of his return."

Finley sucked in a sharp breath.

She knew what that meant. A war was coming. And there was nothing to prevent it.

"I'm sorry for your loss. But I must ask, what is the second prophecy?" She had not taken her eyes off the man since he had began to speak.

"This prophecy, was only read quite recently-"

"How recent?" She was quick to ask.

"The past 5 years. But, this is about two people. The Chosen One and The Guardian. It is said that the boy would be mislead, and would be in need of guidance and saving. The Guardian, this person would be their savior. There have been rumors that they would have a bond like no other. The Guardian would be one of the strongest magic-folk alive. Together, the two will fight against Lord Voldemort and save the world."

Finley took a moment to comprehend. She stayed quiet, but only for a moment.

"Why is this relevant to me? It still doesn't explain why you are here."

"Right, yes. Ever the eager." Dumbledore stood from his chair, leaving his teacup on the table. "I came here, as I said, to give you an offering. But, I must say, I lied. There will be no choice, but to come. For it is your fate."

"How?" Finley was getting more impatient and antsy.

"Because... Finley Robinson, you are The Guardian."

- J.S.


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