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— "It's so easy for them to get to you," Hermione stated as the couple and her walk down the hall.

Schooling had started back up.

"Don't remind me, Mione." Finley grumbled, a headache forming itself in her head.

"You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are, Harry."

"I know who I am, Hermione, all right?" Harry sighed, his attitude spiking. The attack had affected them both. "Sorry."

The three had passed Ron and Lavender. The girl had just gifted Ron a necklace, calling him "Won-Won"– which Finley wouldn't let him live down.

"Excuse me, I have to go and vomit." Hermione turned around, walking away.

Harry and Finley continued walking forward, taking in the hall full of students doing their own things.

"Dumbledore called for me in his office again. Do you want to come with me this time?" Harry offered, even though he knew the answer. Most times, when he visited the office, Finley refused to go with him for some reason.

"No, thanks. I'll just head off to my room and nurse this headache."


Harry snuck around the hall with Finley behind him. He had told her about the memory he saw in Dumbledore's office and what he asked him to do.

Now, they were going to force the true memory out of Slughorn.

"So I'd highly recommend you reacquaint yourself with the chapter on antidotes. I'll tell you more about bezoars in our next class. Right, off you go." Slughorn dismissed his class.

Harry entered first, Finley soon behind.

Finley hopped on a desk, watching Harry intently as he continues on closer to Slughorn.

"Aha. If it isn't the Prince of Potions himself. And his girlfriend, Miss fair Finley."

Finley nodded to Slughorn with a soft smile.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Slughorn questioned why they were in his classroom out of class hours.

"Sir, I wondered if I might ask you something."

"Ask away, dear boy, ask away." Slughorn stopped what he was doing, staring at the boy.

"The other day, I was in the library, in the Restricted Section and I came across something rather odd about a very rare piece of magic."

Slughorn froze, registering the words he once heard before. "Yes, and what was this rare piece of magic?"

"Well, I don't know. I-I can't remember the name exactly. It just got me wondering, are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach us?"

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