38. brave

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After remus run off We all run to the lake and saw dementors attacking harry and sirius "this is horrible" Hermione said.

"don't worry mom and dad will come.....any minute now....right there, you'll see" harry said. I waited in patience.

"No one is coming harry" Hermione said

"dont worry they will! They will come" he Said.

"Stop screaming at my face mate" I said covering my ears. I could still feel a little bit of throbbing on the back of my head because of the concussion.

"Sorry" harry whispered.

"you're dying, both of you" she said. Harry and I shared a look and locked our hands as we ran towards the edge of the lake taking out our wands.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" We yelled. A stag came out of Harry's wands while a golden tiger and a Canada lynx came out of mine. Blue waves came out of our wands scaring the dementors away, We hugged eachother tight and laugh.

"It was you Jackie, you have 2 patronus" Hermione said excitedly.

"How do we get back now all three of us can't ride buckbeak" she said then I got an idea. the unicorn. I closed my eyes and whistle loudly, after few seconds a unicorn came our way. she flies in circle around me before landing. I quickly pet her neck as she let out a happy sound. I placed my hand on her and connected our minds.

'How are are doing'

'I'm doing great Jackie how are you'

"I'm fine but I need you to do me a fevor'

'Anything' I smiled.

'Can you give me a ride to hogwarts?'

"Anything for you jackie' I smiled.

"Ok so I have her and you two can have buckbeak cool?" I asked.

"cool" they both said as I took off and fly back to hogwarts. I jumped off her and run to the cage.

"Bombarda!" I pointed my wand and blow the lock.

"you truly are your father's daughter jackpot" he smiled, I smiled back. we flew back to harry and hermione. We let out a happy scream as she flew us around.

"Where did you get a unicorn?" He asked as we fly around the castle.

"I saved her in first year" I said.

We got off and I turned to her.

'Thanks for your help'

'You saved my life and I'll always be there for you jackie and you can call me anytime you want' I smiled at her.

'Goodbye for now Windy we'll say hello again' I said.

"We'll say hello again jackie'

And with that she took off I turned to them sirius was talking to them then he turned to me.

Jackie potter (A Fred Weasley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now