81. cursed

47 1 0

"Jackie wake up" Hermione said.

"Will. You. Fuck. Off, hermione granger" I said in a raspy voice.

"We're going to hogsmade silly, wake up" I didn't wake up. "I'm gonna buy you a mini cake" I jumped up.

"Really?" I asked

"if there's any? Yeah, really" she said. I quickly run to the bathroom and get ready.


We walk to three broomsticks. Draco made an eye contact with me. We stared at eachother for a moment and he went upstairs. "How the hell did he smell you in the amortentia?" Ron asked as we sat down.

"Still my question" I said.

"Did you smell fred?" Harry asked. I nodded.

I sat next to hermione, on the opposite side of Harry and Ron. Hermione order a butterbeer for all of us. Apparently the Café was closed and I can't get a mini cake.

We saw draco. He stares at me and I scowled at his creepy thing. It's became his thing where he stares at me until he burns holes through my body, and its so creepy. I told Fred about it and he nearly came before I told him I'll take care of it. And I had no idea how. Our butterbeers came and hermione and I start downing it.

"Oh bloody hell" Ron said. We looked at the direction he was looking and saw ginny and Dean. "Sleamy git" he spat.

"Ron they're only holding hands" I said. We looked at them again and they were kissing.

"And snogging" Hermione said.

"I'd like to leave" he said.

"Can I have your butterbeer as you leave?" I asked. Hermione hit my shoulder.

"What? You can't be serious" she said.

"No he's not sirius, he's ron" I joked. Harry laugh with me while the two glared at us.

"That happens to be my sister" he said.

"So? What if she looked this way and saw you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave?" She blushed after realizing what she just said and look down. I smiled at her.

"Harry, jackie," we saw slughorn approaching us.

"Sir. Wonderful to see you" harry Said shaking his hand.

"And you. And you" slughorn slurred. He looked a bit drunk.

"So what brings you here?" I asked after shaking his hand.

"On the three broomsticks I got my way, further than I care to admit. I remember when it was just one broomstick" he said and spilled his drink all over mione making me burst out laughing.

"Listen kids" he looked between me and harry. "In the old days I used to throw together the occasional supper party with a selection student or two. Would you two regain?"

"It'd be an honor sir" we both said. "You'd be welcome too, granger" he said.

"I'd be delighted sir" Hermione gave him a fake smile.

Jackie potter (A Fred Weasley Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now