The Betas Dilemma

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The blonde hair blue eyed beta sat in the corner of the darkened motel room, the only light available was what managed to filter through the closed blinds from the outside streetlight and the cherry ember of his lit cigarette. The smoke rose in curls, hazing the available light and dancing within it, in the otherwise idle room.

He had arrived after two more days of fruitless tracking in search for the young blonde, inevitably he directed his unit to move forward without him, declaring he was needed elsewhere. A dereliction of duty he cared little about at the moment.

For those two days she had remained bound, only being freed from the bondage twice a day, at 6am and 6pm, and only for ten minutes at each time. Within those ten minutes she would utilize the restroom and be provided with minimal food and water to last her for the next twelve hours. All basic bare minimum care provided, under his order given to the warrior who kept her detained in his absence.

Now that he was in the motel room, she was no longer bound. However, her fear and anxiety had increased immensely, as she cowered in the opposite corner watching the occasional plumes of smoke billow into the slitted light.

He watched her intently, the only movement he made was a hand to mouth motion with the occasional flicker of a lighter that would light up his stubble coated chin for a brief second as he lit another. He was chain smoking, for the both of their benefit.

It had been almost completely silent in the room for over an hour. The only sounds filling the stagnant air would be his occasional heavy exhales that seemed to increase her already frantically beating heart with each one. He had not said a word since he had arrived, he hadn't even been the one to untie her. Giving his directives to the warrior, ten minutes before his arrival to unbind her and ensure she used the rest room and had some water before he got there so that he could begin without concern of needing to pause.

"What's your name?" His voice deep and stern, no playfulness or humor traced in its depths. He waited for a moment. "Do not make me ask again."

"Samantha." She said very quietly, barely a whisper.

"Samantha what?" He said back in clear irritation that he even had to ask.

"Samantha Moore." Her voice quickly getting it out so not to fuel further anger.

"Samantha Moore." His voice lingered on her name as if in deep thought. His body shifted forward in the chair with elbows resting on top of his knees, his free hand hanging idly from his extended arm as the other one remained propped near his face with the cigarette. His handsome face moved into the light with the new position showing a hardened expression as he took the last draw of the cigarette and stubbed it out before rubbing tensely at his jaw.

"Here's how this is going to go, Samantha." He stated in definite, smoke flowing out with each word as he stared at her darkened cowered figure in the corner. "You're going to tell me everything. Everything. Or, I'm going to hurt you... real bad. If you lie to me, I'll know, and I'm going to hurt you even worse... I will make your life so miserable that you will wish you were dead, just like your little trash rogue friends. And then, I'll let you heal. And do it all over again. Do you understand?" He spoke so clearly and with such an eerie calmness that showed he was not at all bluffing. His intense blue eyes were darker than usual, a combination of anger and fury fueled with self deprivation and lust.

"Y-yes." Her voice was meek and she nodded fervently to show she understood.

"Come here, Samantha." He said with a finger curling in his direction, watching her begin to shakily stand before halting her. "On your fucking knees you fucking trash rogue." She immediately dropped back down and slowly crawled over to him on her hands and knees, her grey blue eyes wide with fear as she stopped in front of him straightening her upper body with her hands clasped in her lap and her butt resting on her heels. Her eyes dropping down to her fingers wringing within themselves as she tried to quell her anxiety.

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