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Jason's wolf kept hers pinned for another half hour, the fervent licking had stopped and his head deposited itself across her neck and they laid there in the woods with nothing but the sounds of the forest surrounding them. The sounds of birds chirping, leaves shifting in the gentle winds and small feet of little critters scurrying about filled the air as the suns rays illuminated the dirt floor intermittently under the heavy sways of large branches from above
under the winds direction. His wolf showed no sign of leaving hers, even as her limbs began to twist and crack beneath his and she was once again in her naked human form covered by the thick black fur and the heavy weight of his. His head only lifted to deposit his wet snout into the crook of her neck once more and sniff heavily at at her scent, his body reluctantly lifting as she began to whine underneath him almost breathlessly.

"Jason, you're crushing me." She almost gritted out, her hands pushing on his thick furry rib cage guiding his upward movement.

His wolf took to standing and paced around her with its interrogative nose, the eyes scouring her form as if ensuring she was not hurt, before he himself shifted back to his tall stance and looked down at her with worry filled green eyes, as she began to prop herself up on her elbows for support.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concern clearly filled his face as he looked down upon her, his anger, upset and jealousy had all vanished in their time spent together in the woods. Now, all that was left was the fear that he had hurt and scared her as a result of his previous actions, and a deep anxiety brewing that she had meant what she said.

"Yes.." she said placing her palms flat on the floor as she began to stand, his hand going on her bicep to help pull her up.

"Did you mean it?" He questioned almost weakly, the insecurity he felt still deeply laid within his chest, as he pulled her up and against him, his head dipping down to deposit his nose into her neck.

"Did you mean what you said?" She questioned back, her head turning to look at his as he hid in her neck in an almost childlike manner, his hands gripping at her hips as he silently shook his head against her. "Jason." She sighed out, his body tensing and his flesh erupting in goosebumps as she wrapped an arm around his rib cage, allowing the other to rise up and soothingly rub at the top of his head. He was preparing to be scolded and punished, for losing control of his emotions once again as his shoulders stiffened despite her gentle touches soothing the storm of upset he was feeling. "You're the only one for me." She said quietly. "But, I dislike you entirely when you behave like that. You don't trust me, and you jump to conclusions, and you build these stories and narratives in your head."

"I don't want to lose you..." he said shakily as his own tears began to fall on her shoulder and his grip tightened against her pulling her closer. "I can't lose you again..." he breathed out harshly, his body rigid but managing to crumple against her all at the same time.

"And that's how you thought you were going to keep me?" She questioned directly, and made him shudder with her words, as he was forced to reflect on his actions. "Is it, Jason?" She giving him no reprieve, not allowing him to not respond, the same tactic he was fond of utilizing.

"Do you like him?" He questioned quietly, not answering but responding with his own question. His sensitive emotions on full display as he felt compelled to ask and hear her answer.

"No, Jason." She said with a shake of her head and a soft voice. "I don't like him."

"I saw the way he looked at you. He wants you." He said his tone deepening as he stood a little straighter and lifted his head from her neck, his eyes closing as he tried to quell the wetness formed in between their lined lashes.

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