{Short Story} Tachibana-San wants to be confessed: Love is war.

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The romantic.

Everyone loves romantic.

Falling in love. Confess and get together. Everyone agrees it is a wonderful thing.

But they are wrong!

There is a clearly defined relationship between 2 lovers.

The one who controls and the one who is controlled.

The one who obeys and the one who is obeyed.

A winner and a loser.

If you aspire to something higher than your position, then you became a loser with no doubt.

Love is war!

Opening: Oh love me, mister! Oh, mister!--------

Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.

An extremely extravagant academy. Founded for educating the student who will become the future of Japan. Although in this school, There were only professional blackmailers, Brocon class leaders, the ruffians, the perverts, and the high schoolers who don't look like highschooler at all.

The ones who led these creatures couldn't be ordinary people at all.

"Look! Student council!"

A girl said excitedly. Everyone was going out to the corridor to see them.

When they appeared, the deaf could hear their footsteps.

The tall boy with the glasses and the little purple hair girl made everyone feel fear and respect them at the same time.

"Tachibana-Sama! Cute as always!" Someone said.

Everyone knew her name. The creature was the balance between cute, serious, and cheerful. All of the boys in her year said they had to protect her at all cost, in this context, points. And the girls said she had to be destroyed with all cost, or they would never get the guys.

The student council's secretory: Fujiwara Chi----No, not Subject F. Tachibana Akane.

She was the only daughter of the Tachibana family who owns assets totaling two trillion yen. Tachibana Akane was trained to be the Yamato Nadeshiko. She was a professional actress, martial art sensei, archer, and countless other subjects. 

You can say she was a true genius.

But it was only for the other school. In this school, you can survive without learning piano, calligraphy, or tea ceremony. Other subjects were of no use.

And the man she supporting is---

The student council president: Horikita Manabu.

A man of wisdom. A man of culture. A man of planning. In this cruel world, the man who could fight with other while keeping his own moral was almost impossible to exist. But if he really existed, he would be Horikita Manabu.

A genius among geniuses, who never let anyone take his first place. Although he didn't have a variety of talent like Akane. Horikita was the man who push himself with much wisdom.

Academic, Athletic, Jujitsu, Kickboxing, Jumping from the second floor, Professional Tsundere, Anime/ Manga/ Light novel professor, He also helped Tsukasa Fushimi write Oreimo too.

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