That blonde girl-48

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Justin's Pov

When I woke up my leg was in a cast as well as my arm. It felt weird to have the casts on. I hate having nothing to do. I really want to get up and wonder do I walk with one leg? There isn't even anything I can use to support myself with because I only have one arm. My left arm isn't really strong enough to carry my whole weight. I still considered it and thought of many other ways it could work. There was always a problem. I finally had enough just thinking of a way to move so I was going to try one. 

"WHAT, are you going?" A doctor had come in to see me trying to get out of bed. I tried to think of an excuse but the blood was rushing to my head since I thought it was a genius idea to go head first.

"Do you want to get a concussion as well as a sprained leg and broken arm?" He started walking towards me, slowly. I was still trying to think of a reason. It wasn't coming. He picked my head up and put it back on my pillow. "Can you come with me?" He said whilst I was trying to recover from the flush of blood to my brain. I knew by now that these sort of questions weren't actually questions.

"Sure." I was still a bit dazed when I said that. He obviously saw that and just sighed. He then left. Didn't he want to take me somewhere? Well, that's great, NOW I'M STUCK IN THIS ROOM! I'm bored out my mind like before he came. "Urgh." Was all I moaned.

Oh, he actually came back. That makes sense he needed a wheelchair to be able to bring me...why are there police following behind him? 

"So your Justin Deans?" Great these sort of questions again.

"Yes," I reply dryly.

"You know...erm doesn't matter." 

How do I ask if he knows that girl who won't respond to anyone and doesn't have any parents around without sounding rude?

"Can you please come with me Mr Deans?"

"Sure." Why are you asking me? I don't have A CHOICE! Like when the doctor asked me earlier.

"Dr Smith?" The policeman looks at the doctor.

"Ah, yes of course." I'm going to have to cooperate for him to get me in that wheelchair, so, maybe the question they should ask is if I'm going to be difficult or not. He comes to my right side presumably to half lift me onto the wheelchair.  I was right. My brother wasn't. Where is my brother? I hope he's ok. Hopefully, Mom has found him now. I have a feeling they haven't and he's still in so much pain...

"Gently, put your left foot on the ground." You saying that, Dr Smith, makes me really want to stamp my foot.

"Where're we going?"

"To see your friend." The policeman, who seems to really hate people, barks back.

"Which one?" I wonder how easy it would be to wind someone up when they hate people, and always seem annoyed.

"The blonde girl." He said through gritted teeth. Why is Sarah always referred to as the blonde girl? The other policeman just looked at him trying to indicate that he needs to be more patient.

Dr Smith sat me down on the wheelchair. I had no idea where we were going because Sarah could be anywhere. I'm guessing she's in the hospital.

Where was the girl staying? wouldn't it have been easier to do it the other way round?

I didn't think Dr Smith knew where we were going. He's just following 'the annoyed at everyone' police officer. The other guy was walking alongside me and the doctor.

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