Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77

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Brandon's Pov

I can't get in contact with any of my friends. Most of them are probably busy with Uni or somewhere with no service. I hope that one of them responds soon. In the meantime I can talk to this random person I met on Snapchat. They seem like a chill person.

Bray_flame: You doing anything?
Bray_flame: I haven't got anything better things to do other than spam u

You know without autocorrect my messages would be a complete mess.

Bray_flame: Are you doing anything?
Bray_flame: Are you the reason it's raining?
Bray_flame: Should I message everyone I can find with eel in their name?
Bray_flame: *El

My phone starts to buzz with an incoming call. Why is the school calling? Are they going to say the school is no longer closed? I answer the phone not really knowing what I want them to say.

"Hello? Brandon here."
"Hello, Brandon!" I hear the all familiar principle. "I was calling to ask whether or not you would like to go to Fifi's new allocated school whilst Drury Wynd High is closed."

"Yeah, that's fine with me." I don't have anything better to do. I used to dread going there and thinking it would be better not going. I realize with all the time it gets lonely and boring. It was fine having three day weekend because I could do the same thing without it seeming too repetitive.

"But I will need you to go and ask her parents and her if it's ok." Why didn't he already do that by calling them? Fifi probably doesn't want me to, but it isn't really her choice because she can't voice her inputs.

"How am I supposed to ask them?"

"I'll give you their address so you can ask them in person." That is not what I expected him to say. "We got their permission if ever necessary to give you their address." Ok, that makes enough sense now, I guess.

"When am I supposed to ask them?"

"Anytime, ideally today." Okay, does this mean you've called them? "Their house in on Marine Drive. Number 5. You know where that is?" Why does that have to be so far away?

"Yeah, by the ocean."

"Correct, I'll leave you to it."

"Wait-" I hear the beep of him hanging up. "How am I getting there?" I could call my I want to? I guess. It's a bit overdue. I have ignored all of her previous calls saying I was busy.

I mentally prepare myself to press the call button. I shouldn't be this worried, she's my mum. I press the call button.




"Hi, Mum." I reluctantly say.

"Your finally not busy, or you want something" She states.

"A bit of both." I half-truthfully say. "I was thinking if you could drop me off somewhere and pick me up we could chat on the way there and back." I hadn't realized my shoulders rising as I was proposing that idea.

"Fine." I let out a little sigh. Why am I this nervous around my own mum? "Where are you needing to go?"

"Marine Drive."

"Why going to meet your girlfriend there or something?" She says a bit venomously.

"No. I-I don't have a girlfriend. I would tell you if I did."

"Well considering you haven't talked to me in a long time."

"I'm going there because I need to talk to some people."

"Fine I'm on my way."

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