What's wrong?-57

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Fifi's Pov

My parents are acting even weirder than usual. Maybe they spotted my bluff. Well if they had they would've confronted me about it. There that type of parent. They need to make sure I know they know I lied or tried to trick them. I need fresh air. Is 7:58 to early to go for a walk? Urgh, whatever I need to get out of here. I go out the front door. The one my parents were talking in front of before they saw me walk by.

I get a pair of keys in case my parents still aren't awake when I get back. I'm still not sure how long I will be going for a walk for. It will either be for a very long time or just a little while with me just going to the nearby pub and back. We'll see how I feel.

I go left and walk along the street. I go past three houses before reaching the public beach car park. I walk past the pub on my right and carry on going.

The suns shining across the skyline through wispy clouds in the sky from the right to left. I walk past the roundabout. I keep going. I start to walk to areas I have never been to before. There are houses on both sides of the street. The houses get smaller and smaller. More and more became attached. I get surrounded by terraced houses on both sides. It gets harder and harder to identify what is the same house and what is different. The sky seems to get darker even though the sun was just rising.

The streets get drowned in an unforgivable shadow cast by the terraced house on my right. None of the street lamps are on. Either there broken or they've turned off. It sends shivers down my spine.

There are no lights in any of the windows. I have a feeling if anywhere it would be spookier than it is currently. It's like this street is abandoned. Maybe a whole neighbourhood. I turn my head to where I came from and this is when and where I question why I went this far.
Suddenly I hear a scream which pieces through my thoughts like fingernails on a chalkboard. I go towards the scream even though my survival instincts wants me to do otherwise.

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