hey, cutie, wanna hear a joke?

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"Well, that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard." Dave drawled out as he looked down at his nails before rubbing it against his football jersey, hoping it would make the puppies shiner.

Beckie frowned, rolling her eyes, "Your opinion wasn't called for, jock."

Dave smirked, sending the red-head a wink before jogging off onto the field when he heard his name being called. Waving towards his friends, Dave jogged over to join the huddled group of football players.

His friends watched from the bleachers before looking towards each other. Wanting to lighten the mood, Pete turned towards Beckie and sent her a grin. "Come on, Beck! Tell me the joke, I'm sure it's not as stupid as Dave says it is."

Beckie rose an eyebrow towards the nerd who sent her another little grin, encouraging her to continue. "Okay, knock knock."

Pete chuckled softly, lifting a hand that was covered in pen marks from writing notes and ran it through his black hair, raising a thick eyebrow towards Beckie who peered up at him with bright green eyes, "Don't tell me it's that joke you heard in that movie Home because then I'll be disappointed."

Beckie frowned, disappointed that her joke wouldn't be appreciated and turned to Emma, who was tying her curly blonde hair into a bun above her head. "Hey, cutie. Want to hear a joke?"

Emma sent the red-head a smile and sighed, "Beck, I watched the movie with you last night, I know it ends with you shouting 'MOOO' in my face."

Beckie shrugged, tired about her joke before looking towards the exit of the school where Marcus came barging through, his backpack hanging from his shoulder as he raced towards Emma who sent him a wide smile. Pete rolled his eyes, trailing them towards Emma who was oblivious to the emotions in Marcus's eyes as he raced up the bleachers towards her. Settling down next to the blonde, Marcus leaned over and laid a loving kiss against Emma's forehead before pulling Pete into a bro hug and sending a smile towards Beckie who sent him a braces-filled smile in return.

"Where were you?" Emma asked Marcus who was trying to push his long brown locks from his eyes before peering up at Emma, her blue eyes filled with concern.

"Don't worry, Emma, no one made fun of me behind my back." Emma sighed in relief before turning to Pete who rolled his eyes towards her before he turned back the field to watch Dave run laps across the field.

Emma frowned, laying her chin onto her hand as she gazed towards all of her friends who were apparently rejected by many of the students at their little high school.

She didn't see what was wrong with Pete, he was the cutest little nerd who baked cupcakes for all his friends birthdays and almost cried when Emma bought him a new gaming system when she broke his old one that was covered in duck tape.

Emma didn't see what was wrong with Beckie who was a beauty with red hair and a fiery attitude. Maybe it was because she's had braces since she was twelve and couldn't dance to save her life.

Emma didn't see the problem with Dave who was a handsome jock who would be granted a full scholarship at the end of his senior year for kicking ass at football. Maybe people pushed him away because he couldn't talk to girls and was rumored to be gay in the beginning of sophomore year.

And Emma couldn't understand why people judged Marcus who was a sexy little vixen who spoke Spanish that could have girls kissing his feet. Marcus was dreamy, Emma couldn't deny it, with his soft brown hair that was always messy and brown eyes that looked like honey in the sun.

Emma knew why people rejected Marcus, she's seen people do it since she was smaller. He wasn't from a rich family and he didn't have a big house like everyone else but other then that, Marcus was seen as unworthy because his mother fell in love with a black man and made him.

Emma adored her friends, they were the only people who were there for her when her elder brother went through a huge break up two years ago and his ex-girlfriend took her anger out on Emma. They were there for her when Emma had to deal with Owen coming home drunk and sobbing.

And they were there for her even when she spoiled them.

Her friends were the good thing in her life other than...

"Eww, eleven o' clock."

Emma's eyes darted up at the sound of Beckie's voice and her heart dropped as she watched Felix make out with a girl near the exit of the school. Marcus scowled, looking away from the public act and turned to Emma who was looking towards her lap. Her hands in fists as she tried to control the tears that threatened to escape her. She turned to Marcus, sending him a smile as she stood and threw her bag over her shoulder, "I'll be right back," Emma gulped, her eyes leaving Marcus's when she felt him searching for something. "I forgot a textbook in my locker," Emma chuckled nervously before nodding, stepping down from the bleachers. Muttering to herself, "Yeah, I have a book."

Marcus stood up, frowning as he watched Emma hurry away. Turning to Beckie, he sent the girl a glare, "Beck, you know how Emma gets when she sees Felix with other girls."

Beckie looked down guilty, "I'm sorry, I didn't think."

Emma took in a shaky breath.

The only other good thing in her life was that she was in love with Felix Hayden. He had always been the hottest guy to walk the earth to Emma, even if he was an asshole.

He had been her best friend, her everything. Someone she woke up to see, someone she cried to be apart from and when she finally had the guts to say her feelings out loud, he ditches her for an older hot girl and popular friends.

She wished she didn't fall, she remembered ignoring those feelings. Laughing it off as if she was sick and her body was playing with her head. And then he smiled that dimpled filled smile and touched her skin that had sparks going off, she couldn't deny that she Emma Harper had fallen head over heels for Felix.

Sometimes, like the selfish girl was, she wished their fathers weren't best friends. Maybe then she wouldn't have known him, maybe then she wouldn't have been his best friend and maybe she wouldn't have fallen for his spoiled ass.

Maybe then she wouldn't have to watch him mess with other girls and what made it even worse, they were engaged.

Engaged to be married in a few weeks yet there he stood, shoving his tongue down a new girl's throat while his fiancé had to keep her mouth shut but Emma didn't complain.

Because like the naïve girl she was, she saw their arranged marriage as a sign that maybe one day, the asshole that was Felix Hayden would come to love her.


Really bad at editing so if there are any mistakes, please help a girl and point them out.

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