you're pregnant?

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Marcus sighed as he pulled his graduation gown from his body and threw it across his chair and ran his finger through his hair as he pulled the graduation cap from his head. He thought that graduation would be the best day of his life, he was finally done with high school. No more rushing to get to school on time. No more having to wake up early. He was free yet he felt trapped. He felt heavy, like reality was finally pushing all it's weight down on him.

He'd been so happy in the world of his expectations of his future with Emma that he forget graduation would set him free yet hold him captive in a world where Emma was no longer part of his life. Where holding her was now not okay, kissing her was not allowed and touching her skin would no longer be loving. He heard a knock on the door of his bedroom before it slowly opened to reveal his mother who smiled at him with a look of pity shinning bright in her eyes. "Tu abuela y tu abuelo están aquí. Ven y di hola, quieren desearte." [Your grandmother and your grandfather are here. Come and say hello, they want to wish you.] She said sweetly before shutting the door and let Marcus take a deep breath before he stood from his bed and made his way towards his door.

Marcus opened the door to see his mother looking up at him with a small smile before she moved into the kitchen and Marcus pulled a fake smile onto his face as he stepped into to the living room to see his grandmother scowling at her husband who was grumbling to himself. "Abuela! Abuelo!" He called, his grandparents immediately lifted their heads and big wrinkled smiles took over their face.

"Mi calabaza!" Marcus's abuela shouted as she slowly stoop up and pulled him into a hug before she kissed his cheek, wiping s tear from her face. "You look so much like your papá."

Marcus looked at his grandmother confused before pushing the thoughts in his head aside. The women was old, she wouldn't of said that if she could properly see Marcus or his father. Marcus's Abuelo shook his head at his wife before pulling his grandson into a hug. "Don't listen to that old women, her sight had gone years back. She mistook me for a cashier yesterday at the store."

Marcus laughed out loud before he hugged his abuelo tightly before letting go. He would miss this while in New York. Realizing this thought, Marcus cursed out loud. He forget to tell Emma about his scholarship.


It's been two hours since coming home from school and Marcus house was filled with his mother's side of the family. He wasn't to sure why his father's side didn't get along with him but it was a touchy subject so Marcus always dropped it or hesitated to bring it up. All the aunts were in the kitchen, preparing super when the bell rang and Marcus rose an eyebrow. Everyone was here. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of it being Emma and he raced to the door, almost knocking his cousin out of the way.

He pulled the door open, a frown tugging at his lips as he looked towards the man in front of him. The man was tall, around the same age as his mother. He had a stubble and dark brown orbs that stared at Marcus with wide eyes. The man was dressed in an expensive suit and his hair was pulled back with gel, "Who are you?" Marcus asked confused.

"I'm Fredrico Silva."

Marcus nodded, "Oh, my dad's at the back if you want to talk to him."

The man's eyebrows rose before he gulped, "Your Dad?"

"Yeah, you must be a close friend. He mentioned your surname to my mother once or twice. I assume you're a friend?"

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