queen emma and mr. rich

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"I'm going to be rich!"

The little girl with pigtails turned to her friend, her eyebrows knitted together and her lips in a pout as she looked towards him, "But you're already rich, Felix."

The boy rolled his eyes and turned to the girl who sat at his side, "Yeah but I'm going to be rich without my daddy."

The girl's mouth turned into the shape of an'O' before she turned to Felix, "And me?"

"Don't you wanna be a princess?" Felix asked confused as he looked towards the tiara atop of her head.

"No! I am a princess."

Felix chuckled, "Oh! You want to be a queen?"

The girls eyes lit up and she jumped up, "Yes! Bow down to your queen!"

Felix laughed, shifting his legs so they were under him and bowed down, "Oh, Queen Emma!"

Emma giggled, "Come on, Mr. Rich. You have to take your queen to the water!"

Felix jumped up, picking Emma up and ran with her, the both laughing as they ran towards the waves of the beach. "You're very strong, Mr. Rich. You'll make a great husband."

"Maybe I'll be your king."

Emma blushed, kissing Felix's cheek before giggling as the boy blushed. "You're Mr. King now."


"Do you think Mr. Hayden really kills people for a living?" Marcus asked, confused on why they were friend with a serial killer's son. But he knew the reason, they were friends with him because he was Emma's friend.

Beckie nodded, pushing her red hair out of her face before biting at her nails. "That's not true! My mommy says that Mr. Hayden is a very good man."

Emma nodded, "I love Mr. Hayden. He always buys me toys and kisses her head when he sees me."

Beckie giggled, "Emma has a crush."

Emma blushed, shaking her head that her curly blonde hair became messy. The tiara above her head started to slip that Felix quickly moved forward to push it up right above her head that she sent him a grateful smile. Reaching out she took his hand, tugging him to sit down next to her. "Sit next to me, Felix."

Felix smiled, dragging a small blue chair towards their table and making sure it right next to Emma before he sat down. "What you talking about?"

Marcus shrugged, "So, is your dad a killer or not?"

Felix huffed, "He is not, okay? He works for his own company."

Marcus shrugged, "Sure, man. I believe you."

Felix scowled, "Maybe now you can believe I'm stronger then you."

Marcus scoffed, "You wish!"

Felix placed his arm on their table, "Arm wrestle?"

Marcus smirked, "You're on!"

Five minutes into the arm wrestle, Felix lost. He scowled, jealous that Emma was praising Marcus and stormed off. Not caring who he bumped into on his away out of their classroom.

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