make me forget

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Emma's hand hurt from writing notes the entire day and she was in need of a bathroom break. Lifting her hand after settling her pencil on the desk, she asked to be excused. Getting up from her desk, she passed a few desk only to knock her foot against one when she caught Felix staring at her butt. Felix jolted up and glared at Emma before facing the front of the classroom. Emma rolled her eyes and walked out of the classroom towards the bathroom before walking into one of the open stalls.

When she was finished, she walked only to stop short at a bundle of red curls. At the sound of a stall opening, Beckie turned to see who was going to come out of a stall only to sigh when she saw it was Emma. Emma smiled, and walked towards her friend. "Hey, Beckie."

Beckie looked towards the blonde through the mirror in front of her and rolled her eyes, "Don't you want to ask that question you're dying to ask."

Emma shook her head as she washed her hands, "I have no question to ask."

Beckie stared at the side of Emma's face for a while before she bit her lip and blurted out, "I had a crush on him."

Emma stopped drying her hands off as she looked towards her friend, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I knew he didn't like me like that." Beckie confessed as she looked towards the mirror and placed a few red curls back in place.

"So why are you with him?"

"Because I was a second choice! First choice rejected him..." Beckie snapped and looked towards's Emma with a wet eyes.

Emma's eyes widened in shock. "Beckie, you don't deserve that."

Beckie turned away and moved to leave, "You wouldn't understand."

"You're my best friend—"

"You had a lot of those." Was the last thing Beckie said before she walked out of the bathroom. Alex stood outside his classroom and stopped when he saw his sister. He moved to approach but she walked right past him. Alex was about to go after her when Emma walked from the girls bathroom and Alex walked towards her.

"What's wrong with my sister?"

Emma shook her head as she shrugged, Alex sighed before offering to walk Emma to her classroom. "Did she act different at home?" Emma suddenly asked and Alex frowned.

"We don't live in the same house."

Emma's looked towards Alex as she herself frowned, "Is this about the uncle Paul thing?"

Alex shrugged as if he wasn't sure and he smiled towards Emma, "Thanks for keeping it a secret after you found out about me leaving. I just had to find out what I was missing out on all those years he was away."

"Did you talk to your mom since Beckie found out?"

"I'm going over today."

Emma smiled as she placed her hand on the door to her classroom, "Good luck."

Alex sighed and smiled towards Emma. He really needed it, the man that raised him didn't know he didn't have a son yet.


Even though Pete's balls had shrunk, it was still big enough to go to Beckie's house and ask what the fuck was going on. Because last he checked, Dave was a idiot who was no longer a friendly friend. He was debating whether he was really going to do this as he walked towards Beckie's house.

He took a deep breath and hurried to his friend's house and when he was finally in front of her house. He suddenly lost all confidence and motivation to actually knock on the door. He pushed open the gate of the fence before he jogged up the front lawn of Beckie's front garden. He raised his pale hand to knock on the door when the door flew open and Beckie stood in front of him. Tears ran down her face and he quickly pulled her into his arms as he closed the door. He tugged her down the front garden and out of the gate of the house and across the road, to a park, Pete remembered Alex and Beckie always were found in when they were younger.

He pulled her to a bench and rubbed at her back, pulling her curly hair out of her face as she cried against her chest. He didn't ask why she was crying or if she was okay, he only held her. Beckie eventually calmed down and leant her head onto Pete's shoulder as they looked over the old rusty park.

"Alex's my half brother." She whispered and when Pete looked down at her, he found her staring at the swings she and Alex were always swinging on. "Alex came over and told my dad about everything."

"Beckie, you don't—"

"He kicked my mom out." Beckie blurted out and Pete's eyes widened and he turned Beckie to look towards him.

"Are you okay?"

Beckie laughed, "Of course not, my mom is being kicked out of the house and I might never see my brother again because my dad wants nothing to do with his brother."

Pete pulled her head towards his chest as she started sobbing again, he hesitantly leant down and laid a kiss a top of her head. "What happened?" He winched as Beckie moved away from him and he felt like an idiot for asking.

Beckie looked up at him as she whispered, "Alex, he came over and my dad was so excited to see him. And then Uncle Paul came in and my mom started crying and my dad was so confused. My Uncle kept telling her to tell him and she kept shaking her head. And I snapped, I screamed it and everything was suddenly quiet. And then my dad started screaming, shouting for my mom to leave and that look in his eye when he looks at Alex. Everything's falling apart."

Pete pulled Beckie towards his chest, "It's going to be okay, Beckie. You'll still see Alex and you'll see your mom, you just won't be that perfect red head family."

Beckie laughed and looked up at Pete until her eyes moved to his lips, she leaned up to kiss him but Pete leant away. "No, Beckie. You're—"

"Make me forget."

Pete sighed and as he moved to kiss her, he stopped himself, "I can't."

"But Pete—"

"I've had a crush on you since Emma introduced you to me, Beckie and I've been trying to build the balls to tell you since then and I'm not going to kiss for the first time for you only to be using me." Pete waited for Beckie to say something but she only stared at him before she leant away. Pete stood up and sighed as he wrapped his hands around the straps of his back and looked down at Beckie who was laying back on the bench.

"I don't know what's going on with you and Dave but if you're happy, I'm happy for you."

Beckie's gaze snapped up towards Pete as he started walking away, "Pete—" she called out but he was already walking away.



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